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American Airlines new Branding


New Member
I Love their new look, I think it's extremely clever.


  • 430149_455101724543291_539113013_n.png
    86.2 KB · Views: 111


New Member
Really nice. It's got hints of an "A", eagle, star, flight, and patriotic colors. Super classy, I dig it. Thanks for sharing.


Quit buggin' me
It looks really good on everything......except the planes.
I like the flag tail treatment but the logo does not read that well on body of the plane - at least in the videos they posted, seems like it gets a bit lost when the planes are moving.
Looks kinda like they rolled out the plane before finishing the paint job.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
Side by side I see it -- on a planes tail I see it -- stand alone, not so sure :0)

Sure does look better tho :0)
