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Another One


Active Member

Ideas, thoughts, comments?


Premium Subscriber
Are you looking for a font identification or opinion on the layout.... or what ??


New Member
I'm thinking you want font ID right - cause I hope you don't want to hear about a design critique....That would be like walking into a gorilla cage and slapping it and then trying to figure out why you just got beat down...


Active Member
I'm thinking you want font ID right - cause I hope you don't want to hear about a design critique....That would be like walking into a gorilla cage and slapping it and then trying to figure out why you just got beat down...

There is actually more to the design then what I had put up here(notice the random marks from just a quckie PS erase), I was just concerned with font ID, so everything else was "extra". It was also a scanned business card, at least that's what it looked like, so it had even more extra "stuff" that I'm not charged with putting on a dst file.


New Member
Well I suppose its good that there's more. Hard saying if it's enough to make up....thankfully it's not your work and you're just trying to recreate.