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Another sick lunatic in the USA

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New Member
I have a 6 year old daughter that goes to School in South Western Connecticut. We live approx 12 miles from where this happened.
Lunatics pull the triggers of the guns that kill people!!!
Please explain to me how an object killed someone? Why ban them, it's the persons doing. Just because people get killed in cars does that mean that we should also ban cars?


New Member
I have a 6 year old daughter that goes to School in South Western Connecticut. We live approx 12 miles from where this happened.
Lunatics pull the triggers of the guns that kill people!!!

I think we should all leave this alone. there is no conversation to be had here someone is just looking to make a statement. :clapping: Congratulations, statement made, now back to work everybody.


New Member
We live approx 12 miles from where this happened.

We just stayed in a Farm House rental in Redding in July, Beautiful area.

I actually teared up when I read that a officer carried out a wounded child in his arms (via CNN)
Since I had my boy 3 years ago I find myself far more sensitive to these things.


New Member
We just stayed in a Farm House rental in Redding in July, Beautiful area.

I actually teared up when I read that a officer carried out a wounded child in his arms (via CNN)
Since I had my boy 3 years ago I find myself far more sensitive to these things.
That is exactly how I feel as well.


Premium Subscriber
That's terrible and probably will scar a lot of those kids for life.

It's a sad-sad time in our country when people feel they have to gun down children to make a statement or anyone for that matter. There's just something about someone saying..... can ya top this ??

Yes, the guns should be taken away, but from the nut jobs, not the honest law abiding citizens.

  • Do you ban automobiles everytime someone gets hit by a drunk driver ??
  • Do you ban airplanes everytime one falls out of the sky ??
  • Do you ban gasoline everytime someone sets another person on fire ??
  • Do you ban all sweets because half the county is either diabetic or pre-diabetic ??

Do you ban drugs because of what it does to people ?? :Oops: Yeah, this one you make legal, cause ya can't stop it.​


This...... lets ban cars too because some person who suggenly goes off can easily plow into a school playground and aircraft too because someone might fly one into a building or something.

That being said, the news is very sad. I just dont get what gets into someone that they woudl be inclined to go in anywhere guns blazing, particuarly a freaking elementary school.

I am not trying to be an a** but guns don't kill people, people do.


New Member
Why target kids? To much information that we don't know yet, but if there was an issue with school staff, why shoot kids too.

I'm a proud gun owner, and the shooter is far from an example of what the rest of us gun owners are like.


New Member
my heart aches and i'm teared up. Only thing to do is pray. Like mentioned in another post, since becoming a parent, yup, far more sensitive.
But what can done? Nothing. As long as there is guns, there is always going to be someone like this that has one and capable of doing something like this.... just a sick world anymore.


New Member
Sad and disgusting. If not guns, Bombs, if not bombs... knives?

The sick and demented will find a way to accomplish the hurt if guns were banned...

he poor children and families...


Premium Subscriber
So, instead of guns, you'd rather have some nutjob throwing hand grenades or poisonous gas bombs into crowds ??

As tragic as this is..... the person doing this was determined to do this and he would've done it even if guns were outlawed. A nut like this will either find illegal guns or another means of taking others out.

I'm all for more probing for background checks in licensing guns to individuals, but not taking the guns away from honest citizens. Eventually, we will become completely defenseless against any kind of threat if these laws are changed.

This thread is about the poor children, the teachers and the families involved. Perhaps we could take a gun debate up in another thread, if we keep politics out of it.


New Member


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