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Any training classes offered???


New Member
I was wondering how each of you got started in the sign industry. Are you self taught? Did you take classes? Were you trained on the job?

The sign industry is so vast and there are so many techniques.
I am looking for a training class(es) that will show me the right way to do things and what kind of products I can offer to my customers.

I have been doing decals and banners in conjunction to my screen printing business (the main thing my company does) for about 2 years. We do a lot of banners and small car decals, but I want to do more!

I want to know how an where to get supplies to make light cabinet signs. The best techniques to use when applying big portions of full-color/full bleed vinyl to 4x8 sheets of aluminum.

I want to dabble and get some experience with vehicle wraps.

What sells well in your area?

We bought a Roland versa cam about 5 months ago that we use for a lot of full-color banners (a big seller around here) and 6" decals. However, I don't think we are using for everything it can do due to inexperience and not knowing of certain products.

Any help??



New Member
Smart of you to diversify, or at least entertain the thought of becoming a full-service shop. Most here are either self-taught, or got their start working in someone else's shop. The most common advice you'll find is to apprentice in someone else's shop first, but seeing as you already have an established business, your best bet is probably just to surround yourself with people who know what their doing.

If you can't afford employees that can add to your skill set, start taking orders and sub out what you can't do in house, until you have the confidence, knowledge, and ability to take it on yourself. A lot of the tradeshows have seminars and classes geared towards those that want to get started in any particular part of the industry, and ignoring any attitude you might get here, Signs101 is an excellent resource for all the "stupid" questions.

The advice people know to give depends on exactly what you need to know though; what kind of training/experience to you have?


New Member
Thanks a lot genericname, I have started to get on this forum more and trying to learn as much as I can.

ChicagoGraphics, I know there is a price for everything, and if I think I am getting my moneys worth, I would probably invest in it.

Mike F

New Member
A little over 2 years ago I was brought in to help manage our Kodak online storefront system, then a few months later they brought in a Roland VS-640 and a laminator and pretty much said "figure it out". Aaaaaaand here I am, still figuring it out, slowly but surely.


New Member
Self taught here but at a great expense. Mistakes cost money! Back when I began, there were few place that would teach. More information is available today. It just depends on what you want to learn. I doubt you will find a one stop educational institution that covers everything. Learn in bits and pieces but figure out what areas you want to go into. Oh, and after thirty eight years, I'm still learning every single day.