Not business cards, but along the same lines of what some of those people were saying......
Had a customer call me this morning for a price on 100 - 18" x 24" yellow Cor-X signs with stakes.
I asked him what was it going to say and how many colors ??
- He said, don't worry about what's going on them.... I just want blanks.
Why ??
- We're going to use marker pens and make our own signs.
You're not serious.... are you ??
- Sure are. Our planning and marketing coach says we'll close more sales when people think they're dealing with a down to earth kinda person than someone getting signs made. They've done multiple research campaigns on this very approach.
I said, I don't care where you get your signs, but that is a bunch of baloney. If you're looking for a lost puppy, trying to sell a litter of cats or sell your kid's bicycle.... you're right, but for crying out loud.... you're selling houses.... who do you think you're gonna fool in the long run ??
Needless to say, he found blanks and stand on line for less than what I can get them for.
Now, the competitiveness comes out and without loosing a beat... I said... Jimmie.... do you know what a font is ??
Well, we have thousands of fonts. Many of them are to look like people's handwritten block letters or script. No one would ever know if it was genuinely hand written or printed by machine. After I gave him that idea... he comes back with.....
- Hey, I'll give him that price because till we write out 100 signs on both sides... we're gonna be pretty tired.
Not to mention, the legibility will start to suffer and then it will all be for naught.

I'm starting to get sick 'n tired of people, lately............