Yeah, I was talking about you approaching your customers and getting them to invest in you. If you're buying a printer for sh!ts & giggles, don't do it. Wait til you have enough prints being subbed out and then talk to your biggest buyers of that stuff and tell them you'll give them a discount if they invest in you.
Our first printer, we approached 3 of our biggest customers and asked them for an 'advance'. They all agreed and we actually had more than enough money to get the printer, a super duper computer and software to boot and still had a little left over, so I got a really neat digital camera. Since then, we've used this approach. A few years ago, we did it with a $168,000 printer. Nothing out-of-pocket, bought the printer cash and made money on it instantly and still turned a healthy profit. Like I said, ya hafta be creative.
If you just wanna buy one for the sake of having one, that's a gross mistake.