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Anyone want to join and barter?!



"Jay, we’re a new restaurant in the Powerplant complex looking for a barter partner to trade goods and services.

We’re a high-end American Tavern that will be open 7-days per week.

Let me know if interested as we will bring a printing partner as well as other trades.


sign advertising for food? Fair deal....lol


New Member
Signs, nah. But I could probably come to some kind of arrangement with them..



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New Member
I barter all of the time. Food, auto repairs, you name it. If it keeps the Govt. out of my pockets, I'm all for it.

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Seriously? Just so long as you have everything in writing....up front.

Value of goods received is can be a real PITA when squabbles arise after the fact.

Also, you'll need to keep those receipts for the accountant, especially when it comes to cost of goods sold.



New Member
I found the key to successful bartering is to be the "Alpha Male", deal with who you know, and only barter on low to mid level jobs.


I was kidding lol, I told the offer "no thanks".

Some people have some nerve, Cost of sign materials vs food doesn't really even out. Anyone who bartered with this guy would lose their rear.

"Can i have a channel letter sign, i will give you a month of free burgers" lol

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I was kidding lol, I told the offer "no thanks".

Some people have some nerve, Cost of sign materials vs food doesn't really even out. Anyone who bartered with this guy would lose their rear.

"Can i have a channel letter sign, i will give you a month of free burgers" lol

Good call...it could be frustrating having to keep records that long. And what happens when Steven sells the business and the new owner no longer wants to play his game?


Locals Find!

New Member
I barter with restaurants all the time. I trade on a dollar for dollar basis, but only on 50% of the job. I make sure they are covering actual costs of material etc.. with cash.

Works out great as I can hold a party for clients now and again without breaking the bank. Nothing makes clients happier than Free Beer and Wings just to say thank you to them. The owners of the Restaurants usually will toss in some extra credits for the party too. Just to be able to attract some new repeat customers. Its a win win all around if done right.

You gotta learn to think outside the proverbial Box a bit John.


Active Member
I might woulda done it! I damn sure wouldnt not barter the whole thing and I cant bash the owner for asking, i have asked on several occasions and others are glad to do it. Plumbing, hiarcuts,furniture! batering rocks unless you get that idiot that says I can put your compnay name on the back of my racecar if you donate the graphics.....glad those days are behind me


Active Member
I barter all of the time. Food, auto repairs, you name it. If it keeps the Govt. out of my pockets, I'm all for it.

Legally it doesn't. Even if you receive services in exchange for services, you are supposed to report the value that you got as payment as it does have a cash value. Doesn't matter if it's food, chickens, auto repairs etc.

It pays to have CPAs in the family.


New Member
Why not? We were recently informed by our landlord that we had to have a maintenance agreement on our air conditioners. It is part of our lease, but we missed it. The units needed servicing anyway, so we called a guy. When he came he said he wanted his truck wrapped. Ok, HVAC service and maintenance agreement for wrap. Plus he paid us enough difference to pay for the materials and installation on the wrap. Win win. He got a super cheap wrap and we got the service and MA for no money out of pocket.


New Member
I traded with a restaurant for several thousand dollars. Most of it I used by giving out $50 gift certificates to well valued clients as a thank you. I would do it again in a second.


Premium Subscriber
I don't like to barter, unless THEY have something I want. Then I'll propose the deal and make sure I win. Who cares about win/win... as long as everyone is happy in the end. Also, as pointed out, in order to barter legally, both parties must report the transaction[s] and pay the required taxes on it in real US money come IRS day.

Of those of you bartering.... are you reporting your income and payouts and collecting the right amount in sales taxes ??

There's more to bartering than just saying I'll make your signs free..... if you feed my friends for free. :doh:


New Member
1st off, why barter if your going to keep account on it? who in their right mind WOULD turn in "barter" in your bookeeping?????
i have "bartered" a lot of my sign work over the years and the key is: MAKE SURE YOU GET EQUAL OR MORE in return for your work, and you have a NEED or WANT of what you barter for. i always hit them with a $$$$$ value for MY END. so they know what they have invested. i lettered a septic plumbing business big van. didnt get paid. 6 months later i needed a new leach field for my septic tank. i paid 1/2 of what woulda cost if i didnt do his truck. my wife loves some of the "barter" gifts i gave her. PAWN SHOPs love to barter. she has ruby,garnet, emerald, peridot in yellow gold rings and pendants on gold chains........that i got for lettering pawn shop windows. pawn shops would rather give stuff away then MONEY!!!!had the house here central aired/heat in 1998. paid the HVAC guy $2000 and the rest in truck/sign lettering. iam still doing his vehicles. back when the economy was hitting bottom, i have a tree service i been doing work for since 1998, came to me and asked if i needed some tree/yard work done as he had a crew standing around doin nothing and still paying them. i said sure and we agreed to "barter" the cost of the work done. we have 2 acres here and over 1/2 of it is still wooded. and its florida, stuff grows all the time!!!! he sent over the crew, trucks and equipment, worked 3-4 days just to keep the guys working, and when he was done i asked for a dollar amount i owed him.....$2500. this was 2008-or 2009 i think....he still has a $300 credit. and i got a lot cleaner place. barter for me has always been the best thing. FOOD FOR SIGNS.....hell yes........i did a Mexican restaurant here, required materials which they paid for, labor and lettering i took as eating it up))))) nice to take someone to dinner and only pay a tip))))))


Premium Subscriber
Just out of curiosity......

Why on earth would anyone in their right mind discuss doing business in an illegal manner, how they screw the government out of their share and then keep another set of books to keep track of your illegal activities and then put it in writing on an open forum ??

Sometimes, you all amaze me at what you are really willing to cough up..... just to show the fug off ?? :omg:

There is nothing wrong with bartering, but you must do it by the rules, otherwise shut the fug up !!


Active Member
1st off, why barter if your going to keep account on it? who in their right mind WOULD turn in "barter" in your bookeeping?????

I dunno, maybe because it's the legal thing to do. May not like the law, but it's the way it is until someone higher up has it changed.

I have worked to hard for my business to have it get into problems over something like non-payment of taxes.

..i did a Mexican restaurant here, required materials which they paid for, labor and lettering i took as eating it up))))) nice to take someone to dinner and only pay a tip))))))

Same here. There is a Mexican restaurant here that I go to all the time. I embroidered their polo shirts and their hip aprons. The whole order was put on a gift card that I used at their establishment. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't eat there all the time. I got something out of it, they got something out of it, we both felt like it was a win/win (others might disagree), however, I still accounted for it on the books.

Nothing wrong with bartering. I would do what I did again in a heartbeat. Now, you might want to check on this as their might be a min. on how much a transaction has to be in order to be obligated to report it. I never bothered as the one time I bartered it was around 1k. 20 bucks might be something different.

ddarlak said:
no, quite the opposite, on both counts....

The first part....maybe, that depends on what each person thinks as to the value that they are getting.

As to everything being in writing....yes that does need to happen. Too high of a chance of getting screwed not to. Yes, it for sure leaves a paper trail about the bartering and lessens your ability to sneak it by the taxman, but doing it that way also opens you up to being taken advantage of. May not have happened, may not happen for awhile, but eventually it catches up.

The little savings that you might get by doing it that way isn't worth it (in my mind) to what happens when it's all found out.