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Appeal for us "Leftys"

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Being left handed I often times find myself with one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse.

I propose that future computer keyboards contain an "enter" key on the left side of the keyboard.

Can anybody else relate?



New Member
20 years ago, I would have agreed with you. But from my first contact with computers in school, I found it was a pain in the a** switching the mouse to the left side of the keyboard. Most of the time, the cable didn't reach. So I learned to work the mouse as a lowly right hander...

I do, however, work my pen tablet on the left side. So, sometimes, the pointer on the screen jumps all over the place as I have one hand working the tablet and the other working the mouse at the same time!

Mike F

New Member
Not left handed myself, but couldn't resist.


  • leftorium_400.jpg
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Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Miss James made me hold my pencil in my right hand in the first grade and I've been screwed up ever since. There is a centuries old prejudice against us southpaws.

In French, the word for left is gauche which is commonly used for clumsy or awkward. In Latin, the word for right is dexter and left is sinster from which we get dextrous and sinister (evil). In heraldry, legitimate offspring of nobles were granted dexter coats of arms (the banner goes from top right to bottom left) while illegitimate noble offspring were limited to sinster coats of arms.

Death to all righties!!!
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New Member
Fred, the same thing happened to me and as crazy at it sound I remember my first grade teachers name because I thought she was EVIL!!!!


New Member
Get a G15 keyboard.

You can program one of the keys on the left to be the enter key.

You can also program scripts in them to do stuff that you type or do a lot of.

I've got my programed to do some commands in Corel Draw, works pretty good.


New Member
LEFTY's are the only ones in their right mind...

My father had the lefty beatin out of him. Then he tried that crap with me and had me writing out encyclopedias with the right hand. Now I'm ambidextrous.

I throw right though, signwrite with a brush small details left hand, large right hand.

Spray paint right hand, weed vinyl left. All messed up.

Keyboard and mouse can go either way. if I'm typing only with my left hand then the enter screws me up on the right. Should be on both sides.


New Member
You SouthPaws quit whining and just learn how to become ambidextrous !
I can't use my left hand to do anything but...
I don't have too ! Hahahahahahahaha
It is a Right Mans World ... Get used to it.
/ sarc
I had a friend that was ambidextrous and it was cool watching him do anything and switch hands with out even slowing down.
And he could write upside down.


New Member
I'm one of those crazy ambidextrous people. I normally write righty, eat lefty, cut my meat righty, peel potatoes and fruit lefty. I handlettered signs right handed. Back in the sixties and seventies when I was walldogging a lot, I started out left handed, painted thru the ladder, and then switched to right hand. I only had to move my ladder half as much that way. My wife thinks I'm weird. She says she watches me do something one time right handed, the next time left handed. I never noticed. I guess I just used which ever hand was closer to the task at hand. By the way, my wife and two sons are all left handed. If she ever broke her left arm, I would have to feed her and go with her to the toilet.


Quit buggin' me
Do the ambidextrous people have groups and a special flag like those other alternative lifestyle groups? Can ambidextrous people even marry each other?
The new social order is so confusing these days....

wayne k
guam usa

(typed with my left hand)


New Member
do the ambidextrous people have groups and a special flag like those other alternative lifestyle groups? Can ambidextrous people even marry each other?
The new social order is so confusing these days....

Wayne k
guam usa

(typed with my left hand)


James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Do the ambidextrous people have groups and a special flag like those other alternative lifestyle groups? Can ambidextrous people even marry each other?
The new social order is so confusing these days....

wayne k
guam usa

(typed with my left hand)

I think this falls under the catagory of bi-dexual, homodexual or hetrodexual?



New Member
One of the great pleasures for me, as a lefty, is to sit at a circular dining table and use the 'wrong' side plate or wine glass, forcing everyone else around the table to do the same! As a lefty, you know it's the little things...


New Member
iam totally left handed...........for everything EXCEPT OPERATING A MOUSE.
when i started playing around with computers in stores........the MOUSE WAS ON THE RIGHT, SOOOOOO i used it where it was...........still do. i have a tablet and have to write on it with my left hand.