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Application Tables


New Member
Considering an application table - anyone have any opinions on these:

• RollsRoller
• CWT Worktools
• Rollover
• Bobis
• Rogue Roller (out of business?)

Any feedback or any I might have missed appreciated.

Cheers all.


My opinion...

I got the chance to view 4 of these machines at the 2015 SGAI in Atlanta. Again, this is my observation and opinions.

Rollsroller - This is suppose to be the "Cadillac." This unit is tried and proven. It was a well built machine. I did not prefer the gantry above the roller. This was the 2nd best table I viewed. This is also the highest price table I viewed (by far). On a side not: If I were a distributor for this table I would fire them and show the table myself at all the trade shows. They had the personality of a rock (sorry to any rocks out there). I had to ask 4 times to even get a sales brochure. All the brochures were in the bottom of a podium stand behind doors (things must be really expensive). The attitude at this booth was "buy our machine or you're 2nd class".

Rollover - I liked this table not having the gantry over the roller. It is as well built as the Rollsroller and felt about the same. This unit was only slightly more than the CWT Tools table but MUCH less than the Rollsroller. The people showing the table were all business. They showed how the machine operated and answered all my questions. This table would be my 2nd choice.

Bobis (Royal Sovereign) - I did not see this table in operation as the booth was busy showing laminators. I did "shake" the table and it was not as sturdy as the other tables I did get a chance to see in operation.

CWT Tools - I preferred this table. It does not have the gantry over the roller but was MUCH more sturdy than the other tables. The pricing was the least of the 3 I did price. A small design difference is the way the roller is controlled up and down.. They use a step motor, meaning the roller will only go up and down as you push a button. The others were all the way up or down with one push of a button. I liked the people showing the machine. They actually had salespeople (AND the owner) and were ready to make a deal.

A big difference in the tables is the shipping cost and methods. The Rollsroller and Rollover are shipped assembled. The CWT Tools is shipped disassembled making it easier to fit into our shop. The CWT Tools shipping cost was also the least by far (less than half). At an additional change CWT Tools will assemble the table on-site and do training. With this charge calculated into shipping, the shipping becomes about the same as the others.

I know this sounds like a sales brochure for CWT Tools but no one is going to spend this amount of money and admit they made a mistake. LOL


New Member
We purchased a Rolls Roller last year. We evaluated all of them but decided on the "original". We are very pleased with it and the value it delivers.


New Member
We have had our Rolls Roller for a little over a year now, one of the best purchases we have made. Our table is the 5' x 10', works like a charm and its hard to imagine going back to mounting with a laminator and sturdy hands. The Roller is also great for lining up mural panels (we do a fair amount). Once you drop that roller on the print, it ain't moving. Lining up 4' x 8' Dibond panels for a mural has never been easier. I do not have experience using the other brands mentioned, but can vouch for the Rolls.


Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
We've had a Rollsroller for about 5 years. It paid for itself in 6 months.


New Member
I had rollsroller for about 6 years and changed it to bigger CWT last summer. Both are good, and i didn't want to pay extra 3000euros to get rollsroller. 1700mm wide roller was 17000euros+ taxes, and my 1800x4500mm CWT was 13000euros (something like 177 x 71 inches) in Finland.