I wouldn't use "A" for the sheet label, maybe SK. Like you, I like to have a sig line on any and all CAD drawings. Nice layout!
Thanks AF
I think "SK" would be the proper designation for single sign types and sketches.
Most of our work is planning designing multiple signs. We've developed a Sign
Type system for our larger project that have multiple sign types. That way the
client, installer and production person can easily find a sign type drawing, where
it is located and what it's supposed to say. It makes it easier to have a client sign
off on, and we have the ability to make a database that allows us to develop budget
numbers for similar projects or we can look up sign types for whatever reason we
might have.
When we start getting getting into fabrication and manufacturing, we can easily
get an idea of what the costs will be and bid close to the competition without
spending days doing it. Also having our sign types match our invoicing helps speed
our proposals and billing process.
Here is how the system works on an apartment complex
We have a location plan thats color coded and has sign designation and type.
The we have the sign message schedule...
The drawing plan that matches the location plan and message schedule...
and then the drawing with corresponding code/color.
Any tips to make it easier for us and I'm all ears... thanks!
(by the way, I noticed "herein" and "property" was messed up on my copyright statement)