I'd like to know how common this is on other printers/RIPs. I've seen it before on Rolands too. I can't recall if I ever got a solid answer from the manufacturer or the SW company.
I have to guess the longer the print, the more margin for error and if each print pass is just soooo slightly off it just adds up to in inch or 2 over the long haul. If each pass (media comp) is off by ever so slightly, even invisible to the naked eye, it accumulates over super long prints. I'm assuming the opposite happens too and prints are too long b/c of this.
I worked for a large textile company and we had to hourly calibrate the fabric cutters for pillow cases. If a pillow case was supposed to be 30" and it cut it at 30.1", that adds up to a ton of waste when you're making 25,000 per day per machine.