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A lot of good advice already given, but I wanted to comment about these 2 sentences that jumped out to me. I can't tell you how many times over the years I've heard this kind of talk from customers. So many times they come in with a pickup they need lettering for and they tell you about how they're going to have all of these other vehicles that will need lettered. Or they're just buying one sign now, but as soon as things are going good they'll be ordering more signs. 99% of the time it ends up being just the 1 transaction.We have talks of these big sign jobs, big event jobs, fleet graphics blah blah blah. Its all people talking a big talk because nothing seems to come to a head.
Sometimes I think people say it because they have big plans for their business. Other times I feel like they are saying it hoping you'll give them some extra effort or a discount with the hope of more business to come.