well, folks, it won't take you long to walk the show......aisles are pretty short there really aren't many at all. It's a shame, actually. Hopefully the seminars are still a draw. I think USSC priced themselves out of the market (from an exhibitors standpoint) vs return on investment as far as attendees go.
It was worthwhile for me to meet a few folks and pick up a sweet new Latex.
There's a lot of LED stuff, great new LED applications for lighting and cabinet illumination if that's your thing.
If you are in the market for a RTR machine solvent or latex there are quite a few dealers selling them. I personally liked Alpha Imaging's deal offering (first aisle on lookers right).
If you are looking for a flatbed there are a few, but I dont think I would make a decision based on what's there, way more products in the marketplace that are not represented.
Where's Gerber? Did they suddenly exit the sign business? LOL!
Where are the routers? Only saw one Multicam and a few (useless to many) baby routers
Hopefully I'll run into a few more of you today!