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Attitudes & Reactions

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New Member
Well If I got the balls to think it.....Ive got the balls to say it.......nuff said.......

If this tread was started in response to the guy that had the "FREE" black 30in vinyl.....Well that was as Gino said "FISHY" to start with.......Dont come in my house posing as a preacher just to steal me blind........Ill make you very sorry......


New Member
I find this to be an interesting subject,...
I don't come here very often any more for several reasons, one is the opposite, of what you are stating, I think things are not as honest as they should be, to sugar coated if you will, the second is I spend 12 to 16 hrs a day running my business, and I do not have the time to come here as often as I like.
but when I get some time like now, I come here and all you see is crap like what font is this, do you have this clip art or image etc..or the famous I have a chi-com cutter and It wont cut right what do I do....etc. etc...
So when I see things like that it makes me think one of two things, wow, this person is a noob and doesn't have a clue...or this person is to lazy to find the font or art they are looking for, or won't digitize there own art .either way it makes me think that I am helping some one who will be cutting my throat or some other sign shops throat later on, and I have decided not to feed the stickermonkey's (pun intended)
so I guess what I am saying is it is hard to give up the information that took me years and decades to learn to some one who may eventually use it against me, or to compete against me or others in their markets,
now maybe this is being a ass, but by helping some of these part timer's
and want-a-bee's is detrimental to established businesses, be it mine or yours.


New Member
I find it very interesting and revealing that some have taken offense or cause to judge ME as a person as well as a professional because I made a simple comment about people being rude in threads. This is the very thing that is flawed about the way some of us react. It's not a place that competitors come to so they can get a leg up on you...it's just a person looking for help and advice. If you don't want to give it...don't. And I didn't start this thread in response to a specific thread either...I've just noticed a change since I first joined. You have to admit...this thread has been interesting at the very least. To those of you who feel the same way I do...just be who you are...life will return the favour. And to those of you who enjoy negative and rude remarks, well...I guess you will just have to live with yourself in the end. No man is an island. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...bilge mercifully deleted...

...No man is an island...

Au contraire, John Donne was an idiot. Every man is an island.

You come onto this planet alone and you sure as hell go out alone. On that journey, which is also made alone, the object is, or at least it ought to be, to cooperate with the rest of the planet on your own terms or not at all. Sometimes you can do this, sometimes you cannot, but you should never give up trying to arrange things such that you win. Whether the other guy loses or not is of no particular interest, nor should it be.That's his problem.

As corollary to this, if my spate of Thoreauean quiet desperation rubs up against yours somewhere along that journey, so what? If you choose to let it affect you in some way, that's your choice, you deal with it.


New Member
I find it very interesting and revealing that some have taken offense or cause to judge ME as a person as well as a professional because I made a simple comment about people being rude in threads. This is the very thing that is flawed about the way some of us react. It's not a place that competitors come to so they can get a leg up on you...it's just a person looking for help and advice. If you don't want to give it...don't. And I didn't start this thread in response to a specific thread either...I've just noticed a change since I first joined. You have to admit...this thread has been interesting at the very least. To those of you who feel the same way I do...just be who you are...life will return the favour. And to those of you who enjoy negative and rude remarks, well...I guess you will just have to live with yourself in the end. No man is an island. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives.

I didn't judge you, professionally or other wise but if you feel that way so be it I just stated why I do not reply very often anymore,and why some are not so nice, and you get upset, do you want the truth or more sugar?
this is where the problem lies you ask why and people reply and then you do not like the replies....seems to me you are kinda thin skinned, when you ask things on a forum, you must expect to get different perspectives we are not all here to hold each others hand, some are here for entertainment, or to talk to others in the same industry, some are here to learn about this trade, some to get one up on others to see what they are charging etc...
whatever your reason is fine by me just don't expect every one to be happy about newbies, and that they might be snippy towards them,
personally I don't care either way, I am secure in the markets that I am in
that I provide the service and competitive pricing that keeps me on top of the market in my area, but that doesn't mean I will share my insight and business prices etc.. with the new guy in town, this is just not a good business practice...


New Member
I have not problem with your post...I just find it revealing that people have gotten so defensive about it. And we were all newbies on here at some point...and I'm sure most of us have even had a rediculous issue or problem we needed advice on at some point. My comment was in no way meant to single your post out at all...I'm enjoying all of the differing responses this thread is getting. And I'm not thin skinned...I just prefer to see a person as a friendly being first and leave the judgments aside until I have had a chance to really get to know the person...that's just not possible here. And all kinds of thoughts get lost in the the words written online. If I've learned anything since the inception of the internet as a communication tool...it's that an email or a thread in no way reveals to you the persons true intention. This is merely a discussion and a form of procrastination for me today. :) lol


Premium Subscriber
Sticks and stones will break my bones.... but words will never hurt me.

Now, if a young kid can say this and knows full what it means.... what has happened to all of you adults that are getting hung up on words ??

I just don't understand why its wrong for anyone to say the truth... no matter how much it might hurt, but you liars that kiss up are being nice. I must've been absent the day in school they taught that one. :Oops:​


New Member
Does anyone know what this font is? I'm stuck. Also how do I cut this out of a picture and what should I charge for it. I have to make two of them for my local chapter.


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New Member
I've been a member for 2 years and have learned a hell of a lot from from some great people who had nothing to gain by helping me become a better businessman, sign designer, fabricator and installer. Their tips, tricks and pricing help have saved me hundreds of wasted hours. Something as simple as a font ID has made the diference of meeting a deadline and getting a profitable job or not. Just the Merchant Members I have found and use make my business day easier and more profitable.

For every gruff exterior you find here, I have found a hundred who are helpful and a pleasure to know.:thankyou::signs101::thumb:


New Member
I've been a member for 2 years and have learned a hell of a lot from from some great people who had nothing to gain by helping me become a better businessman, sign designer, fabricator and installer. Their tips, tricks and pricing help have saved me hundreds of wasted hours. Something as simple as a font ID has made the diference of meeting a deadline and getting a profitable job or not. Just the Merchant Members I have found and use make my business day easier and more profitable.

For every gruff exterior you find here, I have found a hundred who are helpful and a pleasure to know.:thankyou::signs101::thumb:

This is very true....a good debate!! Thanks for weighing in all of you. :) Cheers to all of us that make the world go round. :wine-smi:

Sign Prophet

New Member
i'm not here to share information. I'm here to be a dick.


Seriously? Its a forum on the INTERNET! Are you really expecting everyone to be all sweet and cuddly here?
I think for the most part that everyone on here try's to a point to help everyone out, But there is a point when it gets to be too much. My advise would be to grow thicker skin and move on.
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