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Awesome day!


New Member
Today was great. Brought the crew out to NBM in Long Beach and learned a lot. Ran our Sublimation machine this morning and cranked out some obnoxious shirts to wear around. Got to see Chris from AZ Pro Signs for the first time since San Fran.
But even more... Got to meet Frank Fellers and he really impressed me. He's very humble and and extremely likable guy. On top of that.. We convinced him to take an awesome picture with us that words can't describe.
Yaaaa buddy!
Thanks Frank!!


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New Member
Here's what we designed and printed 2 hours before leaving for the show..
3 of us all rocked them.


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New Member
It was cool to hang for a bit Josh. The shirts came out pretty sick. I'm not crazy about the profanity, but the designs were sweet. I'll have to design some up and have you guys print 'em up!

I was really impressed with Frank and the rest of the Feller's crew that we finally got to meet too. I've had the pleasure of speaking with a bunch of them on the phone, but it was nice to finally put faces with the voices. Say what you will about him, but Frank seems like a straight-up nice guy, and his company is awesome.


New Member
Yup... We already have hotels booked for SGIA in Vegas this year. Staying 2 nights this time so if anyone is out lets meet up.
Both Jeremy's and my wife are coming out!