• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Awesome News for little ole me!


New Member
Long story short - I have been in business for myself (this go around) for a little more than 4 years here in South Florida. First two years I had some great growth. Then I expanded my other business (I restored muscle cars) and tried to work both businesses. After 2 years of doing that, I put the pen to the paper and realized that the car work was really only netting me about $400-500 extra a month and I was working 6-7 days a week. So I said to myself WTF?!? I can sell 1 more sign a month and make that! So, I downsized my shop and started to concentrate solely on signs and graphics. So far this year, my sales are up almost 40% versus YTD last year.

But the really big news came this week!

One of my builder clients is putting up some apartments and he had a design company work on his signage. Previously, I had done a bunch color core signs at his last location but this time he wanted something fancier. He had the design company price the signs through their preferred supplier - all I was told is it was a "National Company." He was pleased with their price and was almost ready to pull the trigger when one of his guys asked, "Did you have Gary price it out?" Well, I got the bid package and worked on the quote. I submitted my pricing and he called me the other day to say, make a sample and if the big bosses approve it, you've got the job. I made up the samples and got the word that the order is mine!!! It is my biggest sale ever and then he gave me the even better news, I will be getting the 2nd location's sign work as well (He is building 2 apartment/townhouse complexes here in PBC simultaneously) It is basically going to be a duplicate of this order!
That translates to a 6 figure order for me between the two locations!

Just felt like sharing my joy and also wanted to say this - Signs101 has been an awesome resource since I started on this "new" venture a few years ago. I had previously been in business for myself in the early 2000's and then sold the business to "get a real job and go corporate." WE moved to TX and after almost 5 years of making other people a lot of money, I decided to move back to home and strike out on my own again. A lot had changed in the few years I was out of the industry and Signs101 has been a blessing. Thanks for all of your help!


New Member
Congrats! Always nice to hear some one is doing great in business, specially smaller guys like us :)

What kind of sign they want there if its a 6 digit number between two places?! Holy crap!


New Member
You sound like the people I see described around here by the old timers as "small shops driving down the market".

I say congratulations. To my knowledge, the big guys charge outrageous prices because they can. No shame in smaller shops bidding low. Good job, you're earned it. :)


Premium Subscriber

That's what makes this industry still a good one...... stories like that.


New Member
Yup...sometimes all it takes for a small business to completely take off is an order like that.

P.S. Fingers crossed, still trying to get mine :rock-n-roll:


New Member
Thanks a lot guys. I really want to thank Gino. I have lurked on the site and read Many of your posts. You have given many people sage advice that I have learned from even when I haven't replied. Your insight is invaluable.

I am totally stoked and inspired by this to go out and knock on more doors than ever. BTW just as an fyi, I got this customer originally by just knocking on a door. I was on my way to a job site to deliver, had a few minutes to kill, saw a new construction trailer. Knocked on the door. My dad once told me, "nothing happens unt someone shows up.". I took that advice to heart. I started my business in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the 1930's and my customers all know, I will show up. On-time, everytime, thanks to my Dad's advice.

I haven't had a vacation in almost 10 years but I may actually be able to plan one soon :)


Premium Subscriber
Happy you think of me as an inspiration or an answer, but we are all responsible for where we are........ because of our own decisions.

You did this on your own and you have the power. Use it correctly and you'll go far in any aspect. You own it.

Again, I love happy endings !! :U Rock:​


Active Member
Congrats, just make sure you can handle all the aspects that a job of that size will need. Not trying to rain on your parade but I've seen many businesses go under by biting off more job than they can both from a financial and a experience perspective.

Good luck with the project!