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Banding issues


New Member
The pump in our old machine that was going also seemd to "act" normal.. other than what was happening in my above post. We eventually had a tech come out and change the pump, so i'm not mechanically inclined in that area. i wouldn't know how to "test" it. You could try looking up you tube videos maybe? If you have no bubbles or anything like that, then chances are it's not your pump. Have you ever changed the dampers?

I found that as our machine aged, it preferred low head speed over high and higher pass counts to reduce banding. Only bad thing about that is printing times go up significantly.
I Replaced the dampers when I replaced the head 6 years ago, so havent done that in a long time, I did unplug them each one by one yesterday, and pushed lightly on the side, they all flow good with no leaks, the piples going to the dampers are also full of ink no air bubbles visible, I have struggled with air in the tubes because of a faulty damper before, so I look for that every time I take the head cover off to clean

DL Signs

Never go against the family
Average lifespan of a print head is around 5 years, more or less, depending on use.
If it was me, I'd probably opt for a new head at this point.
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Imaginative art ga
Change the print quality; it seems like you are printing in bidirectional mode and at high carriage speed. Also, the print quality improves with more passes; the more passes the printhead makes, the better the print comes out.