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Before and After Cleaning Service Logo

Joe Diaz

New Member
Top to Bottom Commercial Cleaning logo old.jpg
Top to Bottom Commercial Cleaning logo new 2014.jpg

The customer came in wanting us to recreate the first design for vehicle lettering, they left having hired us to design a new logo. I put a new "spin" on it. :ROFLMAO: I'm sorry that was pretty lame. Back to work I go...

Joe Diaz

New Member
Yep, night and day. :thumb:

Curios why you shifted from the numeral 2 to, to?

There were too many elements at play and I think I have her convinced that it wasn't necessary. When it's all said and done it may end up being a 2, but for now I think I have her sold on getting rid of it. The blue oval shape may end up changing too. Maybe a double sided arrow? I'm waiting to discuss some of these options with the client.


New Member
There were too many elements at play and I think I have her convinced that it wasn't necessary. When it's all said and done it may end up being a 2, but for now I think I have her sold on getting rid of it. The blue oval shape may end up changing too. Maybe a double sided arrow? I'm waiting to discuss some of these options with the client.

I agree about changing up the blue circle too. A lot going on and if you can simplify that bit, I think it would work a lot better.


New Member
Very nice. Do you have a 2 color version? Keep the 2 dropped. Its a business name. Not a text message. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the Commercial Cleaning text.


New Member
Great concept. The character is fantastic.

If I can be constructive though, the typography needs work. The "commercial cleaning" font does not go well with the rest of the logo, and the script/brush font isn't a great choice - it needs a more top-notch elegant font. It's not bad, but it's not quite good and it doesn't fit the feminine style of the rest of the logo.

Also, I know this isn't always easy when you're drawing a character, but you still should be able to present a black/white version of any logo. I think someone mentioned that already.

Joe Diaz

New Member
Great concept. The character is fantastic.

If I can be constructive though, the typography needs work. The "commercial cleaning" font does not go well with the rest of the logo, and the script/brush font isn't a great choice - it needs a more top-notch elegant font. It's not bad, but it's not quite good and it doesn't fit the feminine style of the rest of the logo.

Also, I know this isn't always easy when you're drawing a character, but you still should be able to present a black/white version of any logo. I think someone mentioned that already.

I would agree that the logo type part of the logo could use some fine tuning, but I disagree with where my efforts should be focused. I'm not yet sold on the blue oval "to", I'm waiting to meet with the client on a few things before I fine-tune that. I disagree about the main and secondary copy. The cartoon is retro, It's meant to somewhat resemble a style you might see in the 40s/50s The Script fits that era. Yes it's a feminine design which might work well with an elegant looking script, however it's also a fun cartoon, which calls for something entirely different. A lettering style that one might see in a wedding invitation would not fit with a cartoon. I felt like this typestyle had just enough elegance and flow, but is also bouncy and fun. Perhaps it will be a bit more pleasing when I figure out a better solution for "to".

The secondary copy is also appropriate in my opinion. Most importantly it's clear and easy to read, which is important being that it explains what the business is. It has a bit of a casual style to it, which I always felt went well with cartoons, but it also fit's the era. It's has a basic flow to it and enough of a variation in weight and stroke to resemble that hand lettered look from the 50s and on.


New Member
It's 2014. We have the technology to use more than 2 colours. Since it's a retro design how about black and white for the 2 colours? (greyscale)


Joe Diaz

New Member
Pretty much every logo we create has a black and white version. This logo is no exception. A lot of time I do the initial layout in black and white anyway.
Pretty much every logo we create has a black and white version. This logo is no exception. A lot of time I do the initial layout in black and white anyway.

I'm glad you mentioned this. It's a very good habit to get in to.

I started doing this sometime back because my husband is a screen printer and I get to hear him vent about designs that customers want on shirts (especially dark garments) and the designs are not made for art separation.

With the digital print technology we often forget to think about producing the design as if the digital printer wasn't invented yet.

Nice work by the way.


New Member
I like the new one so much better. I like that while the lady is a top, she also looks kind of like a whirling dervish of cleaning. I also like that she has a big bottom! Maybe drop her down the tiniest bit. Change her apron scrollie to blue so she doesn't look too nun-like or make the feather duster blue.

I would do a 2 in the same script font (which I love its retro style) no fancy shape to accent it other than making it blue. I know the 2 is corny but it's more in keeping with what they had.

For the subcopy, I'd tighten up the space between the two words. I'd un-slant it, too.
Overall, I love it and I want them to come to my house. It's fun and looks like they are a dynamic cleaning company.

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Night & day indeed, yikes surprised they even excepted the before in the 1st place.

Really like yours Joe a good spin on it.. lol

Joe Diaz

New Member
The customer was ecstatic, we have all sorts of projects planned for the future using the new layout.

We landed on this:
Top to Bottom Commercial Cleaning logo new 2014 2.jpg

And here is the simplified one color version:
Top to Bottom Commercial Cleaning logo new 2014 bw.jpg

Thanks for everyone's input!


Premium Subscriber
Yes, nice improvement from the old setup.

Was the maid [caricature] conjured up out of your head or did you have some sort of inspiration to get you started on her ??


New Member
The customer was ecstatic, we have all sorts of projects planned for the future using the new layout.

We landed on this:
View attachment 98344

And here is the simplified one color version:
View attachment 98345

Thanks for everyone's input!

Looking good. The script font is growing on me, but I still have a problem with the "commercial cleaning" font. Not sure what it is about it, and you've probably already tried some of these things, but I would try to tweak the following and just see how it looks:
  • Turn off the faux italic - slanted and non-slanted text can work together sometimes
  • Turn off the extended tracking and enlarge it to the same width as before. With the size as it is now, it's hard to see the "hand-lettered" effect from the varying stroke width - when it's that small it just looks messy and uneven. You're basically taking a display font and making it too small, IMO.
  • See how it looks in black to match "Top to Bottom"

Also, the oval on the "to" that you had before looked like a button, and I kept reading the script at a glance as "Tap to Button", because of the style of the lowercase o's. It's a relatively readable script but you always have to be careful with that, especially when the audience may not all speak and read English as their first language and would have difficulty with all but the most legible script fonts.

Hopefully that all came across as constructive and I'm not just being too picky :)