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best sign related injury :)

Cross Signs

We Make Them Hot and Fresh Everyday
"Last week" Swung my arm over the garbage can and hit a piece of broken neon tube that was sticking out. Took six stitches to close.


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New Member
"Last week" Swung my arm over the garbage can and hit a piece of broken neon tube that was sticking out. Took six stitches to close.

gotta love the ol dumpster injuries. got a few of those. broken acrylic gave me a 6 inch gash in my thigh (after jumping in to grab something, my fault i know), had a bent piece of pvc spring back and bust my lip, and my favorite, broken crate 3 inch nail thru my foot ( once again, in the dumpster like a crazy person).


I sell signage and signage accessories.
gotta love the ol dumpster injuries. got a few of those. broken acrylic gave me a 6 inch gash in my thigh (after jumping in to grab something, my fault i know), had a bent piece of pvc spring back and bust my lip, and my favorite, broken crate 3 inch nail thru my foot ( once again, in the dumpster like a crazy person).

Just had to pack that sucker, didnt ya.


Premium Subscriber
Okay, here goes my first one from about 35 years ago. This has more to do with respect, then dumbness, but now that I look back, it was pretty frickin' dumb.

Had used all kinds of power tools and had my own.... and in the beginning got by, by making do with what I had. Landed a nice job, which needed many many pieces of wood cut into smaller pieces, so I put the cost of a nice new table saw into the quote. Got the job, so I got the saw. They delivered it and even set it up for me. So, I was experimenting, cause everything I did so far had been with a straight edge and a circular saw. So, I was cutting a piece of wood, running it along the fence with my miter gauge and I musta gone a little crooked.... as a piece shot out the back of the saw, hit me square in the stomach, bounced across the room about 45' and ricocheted off that wall and traveled another 80' out through a window at the other end of the building. I couldn't believe how fast, far and furious that thing went. Then........ I felt my stomach under my shirt. Pulled my hand out and it was a bloody mess. I felt around and felt a deep hole. I thought, oh no, my guts are gonna pour out in a second as this thing opens up more and more. I felt around some more but couldn't feel my hand as I was so numb in seconds, I thought I was gonna die on the spot. Then I thought, why ain't I falling over ?? Here, I didn't put a hole in my stomach, but the point/corner of the wood hit me dead on in the belly button and tore open some skin and while I was bleeding, it was just a surface wound and not a penetrating wound into my guts. Closed up shop, went home, showed my wife and she said.... Looks like another close one. You better be more careful. She's still saying that, to this day. Ya just never learn. You can tell people what to do and how to act, but ya never listen to your own advice..... not usually. Can I get a witness ??


I sell signage and signage accessories.
Asking for a commission (free):
Draw Gino, with slabs of wood bouncing of his stomach, ala 1950's superman.


New Member
Buddy of mine used to bend glass for neon tubes about 15 years ago. He was working with a co-worker late one night trying to get a big job finished for an install the next day. Heard the other guy say "OH SH#T!"...turned around and a piece of tube that he was working on had broke and gone straight thru his hand. Took him to the hospital with about 6" of tube sticking out either side of his hand. Said it was the weirdest thing cause you could see through his hand through the tube, lol.


Old member
Broke my finger cutting panels on a table saw. Next day ordered a panel saw. I've seen table saws launch wood too many times; I'm still leery around them.

Also wondering how many of you have shaved your index finger tip with an X-acto blade? I've done it so many times I have a permanent scar (and a pointy finger)!

Johnny Best

Active Member
Asking for a commission (free):
Draw Gino, with slabs of wood bouncing of his stomach, ala 1950's superman.

New injury, just slammed my head three times after reading this. On your profile it says you are a designer, you draw it!
Also have never shaved my finger with an X-acto. I have great respect for sharp objects.


I sell signage and signage accessories.
New injury, just slammed my head three times after reading this. On your profile it says you are a designer, you draw it!
Also have never shaved my finger with an X-acto. I have great respect for sharp objects.

Haha, I can design... but I can't draw worth a lick. Two separate things.

I got in a self-portrait drawing contest with my 9 year old on my Note. She won, handily.


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New Member
Closest thing I got to have been killed by was an errant handle on a hand winch, my fault. Just basically starting in the business, working for a company that had an old service truck with a hand-winched service ladder. Took the truck one afternoon to a close by service call (easy), finished within minutes and set the boom and ladder back on the supports. The owner liked the boom cinched tight, almost to the point of bending the boom, so I made sure I drew it down tight.. until my hand slipped off the handle. Which made me stumble a bit towards the boom. Which then led the handle, under pressure from the boom, do it's full 360° spin right into the top of my head. Dazed me for a minute.. sat down and got myself together. Drove the truck back to the shop (only about 5 minutes) and didn't notice the blood pouring down the side of my head...

Something like 20 stitches later and my (now) wife sitting with me for most of the night making sure I actually woke up.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Bought my first real table saw and put it on casters. I didn't have a vacuum system and rolling it out on the porch to use it seemed like a brilliant short term plan. First day, first board, lets make a frame for a sign....kicked back a 2x6 straight into my...ummm....twig and berries....with enough force to knock me off the porch into the holly bushes head down where I basically had to shred the skin on one arm to get myself out of the mess I was in. Laid there on the ground bleeding, with swelling berries, and fire ants slowly eating my legs questioning the decisions in my life that had led me into the sign business.


New Member
Wednesday: I was staying a little late to finish up some last minute prints and had to open a new box of vinyl. I was opening it with a pair of open scissors like a box cutter because they were the first sharp thing I saw. While sliding the blade down the box they caught and closed on my right pointer finger. Had to get 8 stitches.
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Quit buggin' me
Wednesday: I was staying a little late to finish up some last minute prints and had to open a new box of vinyl. I was opening it with a pair of open scissors like a box cutter because they were the first sharp thing I saw. While sliding the blade down the box they caught and closed on my right pointer finger. Had to get 8 stitches.
Those must be some good quality sharp scissors.
Now when you point at people you'll have a story to tell.

spectrum maine

New Member
Okay, here goes my first one from about 35 years ago. This has more to do with respect, then dumbness, but now that I look back, it was pretty frickin' dumb.

Had used all kinds of power tools and had my own.... and in the beginning got by, by making do with what I had. Landed a nice job, which needed many many pieces of wood cut into smaller pieces, so I put the cost of a nice new table saw into the quote. Got the job, so I got the saw. They delivered it and even set it up for me. So, I was experimenting, cause everything I did so far had been with a straight edge and a circular saw. So, I was cutting a piece of wood, running it along the fence with my miter gauge and I musta gone a little crooked.... as a piece shot out the back of the saw, hit me square in the stomach, bounced across the room about 45' and ricocheted off that wall and traveled another 80' out through a window at the other end of the building. I couldn't believe how fast, far and furious that thing went. Then........ I felt my stomach under my shirt. Pulled my hand out and it was a bloody mess. I felt around and felt a deep hole. I thought, oh no, my guts are gonna pour out in a second as this thing opens up more and more. I felt around some more but couldn't feel my hand as I was so numb in seconds, I thought I was gonna die on the spot. Then I thought, why ain't I falling over ?? Here, I didn't put a hole in my stomach, but the point/corner of the wood hit me dead on in the belly button and tore open some skin and while I was bleeding, it was just a surface wound and not a penetrating wound into my guts. Closed up shop, went home, showed my wife and she said.... Looks like another close one. You better be more careful. She's still saying that, to this day. Ya just never learn. You can tell people what to do and how to act, but ya never listen to your own advice..... not usually. Can I get a witness ??
yeah fence & sliding miter fence not to be used at same tine


Very Active Signmaker
I haven't had any major injuries in my 13 year sign history... Jammed fingers working with wood and a few times got a small cut with a blade. Had some close calls while operating the bucket..

I've done more damage to other things then myself... Last year I was hanging a 5x10 sign on a building and punched two large holes into the siding where my bucket was... I was lowering it and didn't realize I had pushed against the building so when it finally broke loose it dropped nearly 12 inches and I thought I was going down for the count. I ran around town trying to find matching siding and fix it before anyone noticed... couldn't find an exact match so I had to take some siding from behind the sign I just hung and put it where I punched the holes. Of course it was windy, cold and raining while all this was going on so that just added to everything. Now there is some discolored siding behind the sign that hopefully no one will find out for 10 years.