The sign is 3'x24' MaxMetal mounted on treated 2x4 pieces mounted vertically that are Tapconned to the wall. Tough drilling because it's a hatchet finished concrete wall with native river rock, which means there's limestone, chert, quartzite, and flint in it. Sometimes the drill bit goes in, sometimes it stops dead and gets destroyed. The design was to match their business card and flyers. The wall faces the lake, so it has to be large letters and plain design for readability. The sign is slightly off-center to the left because we had to cover the painted P. I wasn't going to put another 7" of sign on the right to make it fully centered. The completion photo does look pretty much identical to our mock-up for design approval.
Considered it, decided against it due to price. And it doesn't look off center at all when you can see the whole wall as you do walking down the seawall walk.Why not use a 10' piece in the middle, cut it properly and size accordingly ?? Nobody is ever gonna know you put it off-center to cover something up.
Perhaps, but that isn't what I was hired for. There's a time to suggest doing a whole makeover for a company but with this job making them have to change the dimensional letters on their entrance wall and all their marketing materials and in-unit signage and materials was way more than they were asking for.The replacement is OK. It, as well as all of their printed material, could be much better with a different type face selection.