Thin backing...
Thanks, Mosh. Does it make any difference if either/both of the people are Mexican?
The problems that most often occur with applying with one hand and pulling the liner with the other are.
1. The tendency to twist the squeegee in an attempt to apply more pressure. This will only result in distorting the tool enough to allow air to get under the vinyl. Don't try so hard....It really is easy!
2. The tug is in a direction in which the squeegee is lifted up during application. Never tug upward. It is best to slide the backing off in front of the tool. Static can be a big problem when doing this but a good ground on the work table should eliminate that problem. On long applications, rolling the liner up so that it rolls away as you slide the backing off, will reduce the static.
3. The rolled up vinyl must have the print side on the outside of the roll! This places the vinyl coming off the bottom so the backing does not get bent or creased in the pealing process. You can be successful with rolling it in the other direction but it is much easier to work with when done correctly.