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Black Friday Deals?

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
was it everything you expected?

Sufficient, delightfully sufficient.

Not sure what to think of the price chopping. Perhaps they're trying to win favor with the masses before the poo hits the fan with this new pricing scheme. Heck...even at 20%off, it's still a good deal.

And why is it only with Photoshop? Illy (stand alone) didn't appear to be affected.



Active Member
there aint a damn thing out there I want that bad and whatever deals they are having Im sure after christmas I can find on the internet. Some stores are starting at midnight here, unfreakinbelievable


New Member
Lost leader

Anybody heading out for Black Friday? I haven't in years but might attempt to pick up one of the 40" 1080P TVs from Best Buy for $199.

Better be careful, many times they have just a few LOST LEADER items, and sell them to just the first few.

Last year I waited in line at Best Buy one hours before the store opened, there was about 50 people in front of me, when the doors opened, they started letting in people about 20 at a time.

When I got to the 32" flat screens that were advertised at a huge savings, they were SOLD OUT, I asked the clerk how that could be, he told me by law they only have to have ONE at the advertised price, they had eight, and the first eight people in the door got them.

Now here I am at 5:00am in the Best Buy and they are out of the specific item I drove 30 miles and waited in line for an hour to purchase, I guess their ploy worked, I bought into the LOST LEADER advertisement.


James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Well, it's just before 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving day and I've already done my Black Friday shopping online at the Adobe store 30% discount sale. Tomorrow, I'll be indoors all day...cozy...and doing round two of Thanksgiving with my side of the family.



Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Now here I am at 5:00am in the Best Buy and they are out of the specific item I drove 30 miles and waited in line for an hour to purchase, I guess their ploy worked, I bought into the LOST LEADER advertisement.


"LOST LEADER" ... heh, heh... very apt description.

(that was intentional, wasn't it... ?)


Active Member
You have to be careful about the units that they market at huge savings. Some of them aren't up there in quality at even the normal consumer level of quality. Which isn't all that great to begin with. It might have been a good thing that you didn't get that TV at that good price.