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Blues print purple

david lewicki

New Member
I have a l26500 HP design jet. It’s a bit old and mostly all the cartridges and printheads I can buy for it our third party. (Unless I want to pay crazy prices) Recently replaced my magenta cartridge since I was having this problem and replace with a HP cartridge. (Printer wanted me to replace it eventhough it was pretty full). Replaced one magenta printhead as well.
Still having issue. My blues print purple. I’ve included a picture of printing three shades of blue, two print purple while one prints light cyan.
Any suggestions as to what I should try to do to fix issue?


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Problem Solver
Take a look at those cyans. Then compare that to the magenta. Your light-cyan / cyan is completely messed up. I don't know which is right and wrong.
And you know because of all the aftermarket heads and inks, you probably have other issues that's not so easy to figure out.

After you get a headache from that I recommend to recycle the machine.

david lewicki

New Member
Take a look at those cyans. Then compare that to the magenta. Your light-cyan / cyan is completely messed up. I don't know which is right and wrong.
And you know because of all the aftermarket heads and inks, you probably have other issues that's not so easy to figure out.

After you get a headache from that I recommend to recycle the machine.
I’m looking at the printhead test plot and my cyans dont look any different than all the other colors…to me. What am I not seeing?


Problem Solver
I don't have a baseline to compare against but to me it seems like the shade of cyan and light-cyan is too close to each other.
Look at magenta and light-magenta.

But again, this might not have anything to do with your problem considering all other factors.

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Active Member
might be as simple as, you can't mix original + 3rd party cartridges?
with HP (i love making HP the villan) having end-of-lifed EVERYTHING having to do with that machine, the only choices might be
1 (deep six the machine [i wouldn't])
2 use an xrite I1 and create your own profiles
3 go to flexi 22 and create a custom ink set [still requiring building your own profiles]

continuing to use a printer after manufacturer starts the end-of-life spiral is not for the faint of heart!

since you have introduced 2 variables, a mix of 3rd party inks & a mix of 3rd party print heads, it's time to rearrange the desk so the photospectrometer has a place of prominance & you can easily reach it


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
What exactly are your attempting to print that's coming out wrong? Vector? Bitmap? Gradient" And what are your rendering intents?