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Board with Coffee


New Member
Looked down inside my empty coffee cup and found this stain.


As cool as the stain was, I felt moved...


New Member
Did you mean "bored"?
I thought this referred to using coffee on a board.
I think it looks more like some sea creature than a bumhole, OP.


Premium Subscriber
Now you Gino :ROFLMAO:

Wotdamattawidu ?? You can't read or sumptin ??

I was talking as a friend and simply asking him in third person. I'm becoming a little afraid for some of his actions lately. That's all.

Hmmmmmm....... why did you notice something like that ?? Me thinketh thou doth protesteth a little too mucheth.............. :Big Laugh


New Member
I don't know Gino you are always bring up his eye burning photo comments :rolleyes: Along with some of the other photos you post make one wonder:omg::Big Laugh