Practice is better than any book.
There's two basic levels to learning something like Corel. Pretend for the moment that Corel is a language, then you have the rank beginner who doesn't know what you can say and the graphics hand that knows what can be said as well as what it wants to say but doesn't know how to say it in this particular language.
Which are you? If a beginner then start out reading the actual manual that came with the product while running the actual software doing little samples to cement your understanding of the package.
If an experienced graphics hand learning Yet Another package, just start some project or an other and look for the features you know must be there in the places you'd most likely expect them to be. Along the way you'll discover any features unique to this product.
After market books for this sort of software seem to make some feel comfortable but for the most part are redundant in respect to the product's documentation.