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Born in a Pig Sty?


New Member
Have you ever had a customer who is in the construction/excavating type business, and they traipse into your shop with their boots caked in mud, mindlessly leaving a quarter acre of mud/dirt all over your floors without it even entering their minds what they're doing?

I've had this occur a few times and it is quite frustrating.

**goes to get vacuum**


New Member
old jewish/ italian business type behavior.....my mother who was Italian,taught me early.
we owned a grocery store till i was 12 and then we turned it into a bar. one of my choirs after school was to sweep the floor. i started in the back of store and swept the dirt toward the front door. i was just going to sweep it right out the front door.
my mom stopped me and told me this:
when you own a business, and you decide to sweep the floors, you start sweepin AT THE FRONT DOOR, toward the back of the store. the reason you do it that way is by sweeping the dirt into the store............this bring more dirt INTO THE STORE.......along with the new dirt come MORE MONEY))))))))))))))))))))


New Member
Hell, that's how I show up for work most mornings!

Nahhh, not really. Seen some folks wander in looking almost as bad though and asking if we needed any help.


New Member
My 14 year old son, who always wears big clodhoppers, does that every day in every room both at home and school.
Never had a client do it though.

Team Valhalla

New Member
My wife used to work in bank in a small rural town. She said the worst thing was the farmers who raised hogs would come in with their work boots and clothes covered with pig s***. She usually kept two cans of Lysol under the counter to try and knock it down after they left.


Craig Sjoquist

New Member
Egad ..you sure complain about the money you make from these people.

Suppose you don't work cause it's too dirty or it's raining or snowing or windy or ohhhh it's too sunny out ..


New Member
My daddy always said " when you go to the county fair, you can spot the dairy farmers right off."


Active Member
Ever thought of putting in one of these?


  • simplesolution.JPG
    19.1 KB · Views: 233


New Member
we get a lot of very clean guys come in who have no idea that "Polo" should be applied lightly, not by the hand full. after they leave, it takes hours to air the place out. I think I'd rather have Mr. Muddy boots than Mr. Choke and Gag Me.

Letterbox Mike

New Member
Egad ..you sure complain about the money you make from these people.

Suppose you don't work cause it's too dirty or it's raining or snowing or windy or ohhhh it's too sunny out ..

Not really. We keep an immaculate shop geared to a high end clientèle. Why would I allow someone with mud-covered boots to trek all over the place leaving piles of mud and dirt and ruining my carpet? This isn't a construction trailer... Every time some muddy dude comes in here I have to pay $100 to have my carpet cleaned... It's just rude and disrespectful. Would they do that at a nice restaurant or a clothing store? Doubt it, why is it okay to do it here?


New Member
I havea few like that but really I cant complain as they are good customers. We just clean up after them and include it in the invoice somewhere hehehe

but when it comes to stink, there are some people who have never heard of underarm deoderant or bathing that have shown up. They leave and te front offices reak to high hell for hours. Also the guy who smokes a joint in his car before coming in and doesn't think that we can smell it on him phewwww!!!!

Steve C.

New Member
we get a lot of very clean guys come in who have no idea that "Polo" should be applied lightly, not by the hand full. after they leave, it takes hours to air the place out. I think I'd rather have Mr. Muddy boots than Mr. Choke and Gag Me.

Wow, I am with you on that! I have a highly sensitive nose and am alergic
to lots of oders. I don't know which is worse, cologne, b.o. or smokers. I have
one sales rep that wears some much after shave, I am constantly coughing
the whole time he is here....GAG.

Letterbox Mike

New Member
You all should meet our customer who's the chef/owner of the local Greek gyro restaurant. Talk about a stinky bastard. Dude works with yogurt and onions and lamb all day, he reeks of the most foul odor you can imagine. Every time he comes in we'll blow through an entire can of air freshener trying to get rid of the stench. We've started bringing our air scrubber up from the printer room and letting it run for a few hours...

He can make a mean pita though...

Craig Sjoquist

New Member
I text grammatically poor, probably speak that way also.
But one thing is I also speak with everybody and treat everybody the same, if you met me you would get a howdy no matter what you looked like or how you looked or whatever, and a helping hand if wanted.

We are on this earth on borrowed time and ground... yes people are people no one is prefect. Your business showroom is open to the public and a mess happens, so I guess it's really how arrogant you can afford, the extra effort in service you provide.

Also remember a customer pays your bills. ..I'll trade ya a arrogant customer for a pay when done muddy boots person anytime.


New Member
I also speak with everybody and treat everybody the same, if you met me you would get a howdy no matter what you looked like or how you looked or whatever, and a helping hand if wanted.

What does that have to do with the O/P? The point is the disrespect of the person traipsing into another person's place (be it business or residence) and depositing mud & dirt all over the floor.

We are on this earth on borrowed time and ground... yes people are people no one is prefect. Your business showroom is open to the public and a mess happens, so I guess it's really how arrogant you can afford, the extra effort in service you provide.


Also remember a customer pays your bills.

If they hit on your 15 year old daughter whilst in your shop, would that be ok too just because they pay for your sign services?

Would you view the knuckle-dragger who does the same "dirt-delivery-by-boots" thing into a carpet store as acceptable? If not, why not?