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Bubbling vinyl?


New Member
Cheap mono vinyl in direct sunlight, is it just on one side?
if so thats the side they park the van in on sunny days

Bengt Backhaus

New Member
Just heard back from the customer.
It was brand new when it was decorated.
Cheap mono vinyl in direct sunlight, is it just on one side?
if so thats the side they park the van in on sunny days
Its on all four sides, but, yes, I think it's cheap vinyl.
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New Member
Hi, I had this issues 2 times in my short career ; each time on a new box. An explanation my adhesive provider (Hexis) gave me is that the insulation of those boxes is made with foam which may release gas. Hope this help.

Bengt Backhaus

New Member
Hi, I had this issues 2 times in my short career ; each time on a new box. An explanation my adhesive provider (Hexis) gave me is that the insulation of those boxes is made with foam which may release gas. Hope this help.
Did they say if it's only when they are new or if it's a constant thing?