I was about to start a new thread, but found this one
Not really seeing any specific answers though, so I'll try and ask some questions first?
Thanks in advance!
1) 1.5-2k$ budget - don't mind building it myself.
2) I run, CS4 (PS, Bridge and AI mainly), Thunderbird, CorelX3, Chrome, RolandVW RIP, MS Office, VLC media player, and my Nikon RAW viewers/converters. That's pretty much it.
3) What do I want? Something that grunts through processing of applying effects in AI and PS. Am sick of waiting for previews to update. I want to be able to have all above mentioned apps open at the same time, without noticeable lag. I also wouldn't mind a fast start up, and fast copying/back up of files.
Currently I back up to an external HDD using MS Backup, on incremental. Seems to work ok, but have been told I should go RAID next time. Should I? Which setup?
I also want to have 2 monitors (currently on 1...).
I've been told about considering to use SSD for my OS and Progs and that this might speed things up. True? Worth it? Not worth it?
How much RAM? I know the common answer is the more the better... say, would I realistically benefit from more than 8GB? 16GB? (I'd like to go with 64bit Win7).
Graphics card... I've been told if I don't work with 3D then I don't need to get anything special. How true is this? I don't use any 3D software like 3DMAX, but I do apply alot of 3D effects in AI, and also use the bevel/emboss tools in PS quite a bit. Does the vid card help with these?
USB power. I have observed a bit of instability/lack of power - do I need a better power supply next time? A m/b with a better USB power layout? I've heard about more recent m/b's having more allocated power to USBs... true?
That's about it for now. I have a ton of questions but these are the main ones that come to mind.
As for what I currently run... it was ok when I got it 3 years ago, but I'm starting to feel the pain recently. It's just a XP machine, 4gb RAM, onboard vid/sound, dual core. I have a 160gb for my OS and progs, and recently got a 2TB for my data.
Thanks again, hope to get some good advice as I'm keen to upgrade pretty soon.