We started using J-star refillable ink in Oct. We were using Nazdar Lyson ink for about 6 month, they raised their price form $35.00/220ml to $55, the price advantage is not there anymore.
The J-star system use clear cartridges (with filling on top) and card-slot for inserting the "smart chip". One liter ink cost $70. The chip is good for 440ml. When ink gets low in the cartridge, we fill them with a funnel (provided), after couple of refill, Valuejet will go thru the "ink low" then "out of ink" routing same as using OEM cartridge, then we replace with a new "smart chip".
The cost break down to $70/liter + 2 1/2 "chip card" at $7.00 each, amount to around $90/liter. Compare to OEM's $295/liter. ($65 x 1000ml divided by 200ml).
www.fieldcenterusa.com contact Francis: 949.209.7306