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Buying a new mac mini for caldera


Not a newbie
So we are upgrading our equipment and will have the last version of Caldera. I will run it from a mac mini, but I'm not totally sure that I'm understanding the minimum/suggested requirement on the Caldera website. From my under standing, I could run this with the basic M1 model but upgrade the ram to 16GB. Or do I need to take the model with the i5 processor and upgrade the ram to 16GB. Or should I upgrade more than that.

I've tried to contact caldera via chat, but they only forwarded the question.


Merchant Member
If you need to have the latest Mac OS...a mini should be ok. Might be better off with an iMac Pro. Talk to Ernst at Caldera to see what they recommend for it. We're still running Mac Pro 2012 models and chewing thru files with ease. Only issue with the Mac Pro is that Mojave is the highest you can do as far as OS. I would get as much ram as you can squeeze in as well as external Thunderbolt drives for output and such. Really strong capabilities for output with Caldera.


New Member
So we are upgrading our equipment and will have the last version of Caldera. I will run it from a mac mini, but I'm not totally sure that I'm understanding the minimum/suggested requirement on the Caldera website. From my under standing, I could run this with the basic M1 model but upgrade the ram to 16GB. Or do I need to take the model with the i5 processor and upgrade the ram to 16GB. Or should I upgrade more than that.

I've tried to contact caldera via chat, but they only forwarded the question.
We switched to Caldera in 2018, bought a Mac mini to run it as the dedicated RIP computer, never ever had a problem. I’d say the lower spec minis now are probably juussst fine. Just upgraded caldera as well, still works great. Enjoy Caldera!

Johnny Best

Active Member
Only thing that would affect it would be if Caldera wrote code for the new M1 chip. I am sure they have but check just in case.
I have a new PowerBook with the M1 chip and it runs a lot faster than those older chips they use to use. Other than that you will be fine.


New Member
Only thing that would affect it would be if Caldera wrote code for the new M1 chip. I am sure they have but check just in case.
I have a new PowerBook with the M1 chip and it runs a lot faster than those older chips they use to use. Other than that you will be fine.
To my knowledge Caldera at this time in Version 15 is only supported on the M1 chip through Rossetta 2. Hopefully they will produce a native version in the near future.

The biggest slow down on intel chips is the heat which is why you see such a big difference on laptops, iMacs and Minis. On a MacPro with its cooling capabilities I bet you won't see that much difference.


Not a newbie
I've spoken with caldera and the M1 chip is supported since version 14 (it's written in the v14 changelog). So I've chosen the 500gb version with 16gb of ram. We will see how it perform.


New Member
We just upgraded from Caldera v12 on an intel iMac to Caldera v15 on M1 iMac and its a little clunky.

Not sure if its just me but v12 seemed to rip files a lot faster.


New Member
We just upgraded from Caldera v12 on an intel iMac to Caldera v15 on M1 iMac and its a little clunky.

Not sure if its just me but v12 seemed to rip files a lot faster.
It would be interesting if you could install it on the same intel iMac and see if there is any difference. I run v15 on our 19 MacPro and it runs fine but don't have any recent use of v12 to compare it to.