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Cadlink Signlab Print and Cut 11 not deactivated properly in a PC with Win7


New Member
Cadlink Signlab Print and Cut 11 not deactivated properly in a PC with Win7 and now does not work in another PC with Win 11, what now?

The software is successfully installed on Win7, but VPM starts perfectly and Signlab does not start and I have activated and deactivated the program via Visual Production Manager to try it in another pc with Win 11. On Win 11 VPM works and SignLab does not.


Owner, Designer & Installer
1. SignLab 11 will NOT work on a 16-bit operating system. You should have read the instructions prior to installing it on your computer.
2. Because of how/where it was installed you will most likely have to call CADLink to have it deactivated from that MAC address. Sound you may have problems with installation on the second computer OR deactivation didn't occur on the first computer.
You are installing it on the main hard drive? CADLink doesn't like it installed on a secondary drive. I'd get in touch with them prior to your free software support ends.


Premium Subscriber
Windows 7 is NOT a 16 BIT os.
it is either 32 bit or 64 bit.
to find out, open file explorer, then right click “this pc“ or “computer” and choose properties.

you will still have to call calling to deactivate what must look like multiple installs.


New Member
The problem is solved...
Thanks for all your responses,

The problem lies in the internet connection between your PC and CADLink of the version 11 which is only supported via Windows 11 and 10 and not via Win7.
I had to first deactivate the program via CADLink helpdesk and activate it again on Win 11.


Owner, Designer & Installer
Windows 7 is NOT a 16 BIT os.
it is either 32 bit or 64 bit.
to find out, open file explorer, then right click “this pc“ or “computer” and choose properties.

you will still have to call calling to deactivate what must look like multiple installs.
Correct. Up too late that night, I meant to say 32-bit. Flexi and SignLab are not supported on a Windows 7 machine. Glad to see SignTDF got it deactivated and installed on a Windows 11 machine.


New Member
In addition, you cannot download the printer driver for all CADLink/Fiery version 11 products under Win7.