The 7800 can't print to cast vinyl, which is what you need for vehicle wraps. You can print perforated vinyl for vehicle windows. They must be protected with cast laminate or clear spray. The spray works but allows dirt to build up in the open holes and will eventually impair vision and are difficult to clean out. Film laminate is the best way to go; it also allows for easier removal.
There is adhesive-backed vinyl available that is coated for aqueous ink printers, such as the 7800, which can produce decals. The problem arises when water wicks behind the laminate and damages the inkjet coating. Usually, mold will grow under the laminate since the edge of the decal is unprotected.
Overall, the best way to produce printed vehicle graphics is with a solvent printer like the Epson GS6000.
Randy Carone
Shades of Paper