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card layout


New Member
Just wondering what you guys think.... don't be mean, be constructive.....please
new card.jpg

Sticker Dude

New Member
I think too dark!!!
But I know alot are going to ask What is Grafx?
it is Graphics it doesnt make anybody buy more from you by mis-spelling the word
think about it for a bit
just my .02


New Member
I would make your logo make the statement of midnight, a night background is not a logo and you won't be able to use it on much more than a card. You have middle tones and dark tones, then a dark outline, then middle tones again; There is no contrast in this design. The use of the same font for company name and then for descriptions in the card is not working either. I agree with the previous comment about the misspelling as well, if you do use it in the name certainly don't use it in the description, it comes off as a bit gimmicky. What type of business do you specialize in or are you trying to attract? First thing you need to do is concentrate on a logo.


New Member
You can't read it.
It's suffering from Xophobia and chronic fill syndrome.
Meaning don't put a damn "x" in graphics in the tagline and laundry list, it's bad enough you've used it in your bizname.
It doesn't need "Call" in front of the phone number.
It doesn't need "Larry" and "Vicki", it's not a tree to carve your names into.
What it does need, my friend, is a good dose of CONTRAST.
I don't mind the style of your name in the least.
I'd lose the gradient in that and make it pure white.
But I'd stack "Midnite" on top of "Grafx", and put your website underneath.
Only have that on the front of the card.
I would put all the other info on the back of the card.
I would lose that tagline totally.
"Custom Vinly Grafx for Everything"
Really? Like on top off spaghetti?
It's too all-encompassing.
I wasn't trying to sound mean, and I am trying to be constructive.
I'm glad you showed it to us before you printed, not after.

Deaton Design

New Member
The background image is too overpowering. If you are going to use it, take the opacity down about half. On your sub copy, use fonts that are easily readable. On a couple of the lines, it looks like you added an outline via the stroke tool. Sometimes that swallows up part of the lettering if you make the stroke too thick. Its better to make an outline in corel or illustrator than a stroke outline. ALong with the others, the word grafx needs to go. Spell it out or add an i maybe. Your main concern with a card is visibility and ease of use. Right now your customers would have to squint to read it. I hope this helps.

Circleville Signs

New Member
OK....A few things....And I'll "try" not to be mean. I can't promise though. I will be constructive, however.

1. It is spelled "Midnight" and "Graphics". You're customers aren't retarded, and most of them do not expect a commercial enterprise to name themselves in "text speak". You want to be taken seriously, take yourself seriously.

2. The background is so busy that it makes reading the card impossible without massive effort.

3. The script font you are using for your "info" is el terrible. Stop using it.

4. I say this with all "due" respect - go read some books on design and layout. Mike Stevens "Mastering Layout", and both of Dan Antonelli's books will help. Practice will help more.

5. That business card, and possibly business name, will cost you money. I'm not sure what kind of work you plan on doing, or are already doing, but that fact that you are offering "graphic design", and yet handing out that business card, is the definition of causing cognitive dissonance in your customers. Don't do it. Just. Don't. Do. It.

I'm guessing that you have a plotter and some vector art on a disk, and maybe an older version of SignLab or Omega. My advice is to hire out all of your design that is more than basic text layout for a while. Study every file you get back. Learn from it.

I'd recommend using Jill from here at the forum. She is fantastic and I'm guessing would love to be your on-call designer.


Premium Subscriber
I like the dark blue, but not how you used it.

It's a business card, not a painting. As the others have already said...... make it legible, so people can read it.

In almost everything you do in the sign world.... a word that goes along with every conceivable project is '
Background'. You must figure out how to make the background remain the background and not become the foreground


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Yet Another typographical collision at sea. Bad type faces, smarmy spelling, too much information. All in all, a disaster of about the magnitude of the Johnstown flood.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Really? Peeing Calvins? You do realize that automatically makes you the laughing stock of the industry, don't you?


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