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CE6000 problem reading Registration Marks


Quit buggin' me
Yep weird.

The ever helpful manual says:

From that it seems it is looking for the last mark past the set origin, even though it found the first mark on the right.

Most of the time when I get the "can't find marks" type of errors I reload the material to make sure it is running straight and the problems go away.
Maybe time to call support and see if it is the user or the cutter.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
I have called them and they told me that I have probably unlocked Reg. mark layer or something like that. I even made new file exactly like original without touching any single layer but it did not make any difference. In the end what made it read the marks correctly was the way I described in my last post.

On monday I'm going to take some files to test Summa D120R and to stop by the company which sold me the Graphtec with couple of allready printed files to test on their machine. By wednesday I'm gonna decide if the Graphtec is staying with me or I'll be going back to Summa.


New Member
I stayed a bit longer on saturday, printed a bunch of same files with different marks (type 1 and 2), sizes and thickness of the marks, on different materials...

And you know what? I called this morning Summa seller to tell him that i won't be needing him, cause I mastered the art of reading marks on Graphtec. :rock-n-roll:

All day long I been working without a single problem regarding reading marks. I still have to find some time to fine tune Graphtec and to be able to cut thru the centre of the thinnest line possible.

And couple of minutes ago, I just mastered the art of countur (half cut) + perf cut.


yipi ka yei...

In the end, it was the combination of few things... Now, i load the material with the option 2 (only to read the width of the roll), my marks are slightly bigger (but not much, now cca .5") and I leave a bit more space around the pinch rollers.

But, I could not have done it without you Wayne and Denis... Thank you guys...

Dodjem ti makar pivo za svu pomoc D. Kada te put navede u rodni kraj, ne libi se da se javis. To ce mi biti samo dodatni izgovor da napravim pauzu i krenem u krajeve koje volim. ;)


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New Member
Dodjem ti makar pivo za svu pomoc D. Kada te put navede u rodni kraj, ne libi se da se javis. To ce mi biti samo dodatni izgovor da napravim pauzu i krenem u krajeve koje volim. ;)

LOL, Sava Savanovic, prvi Srpski Vampir.
Nadam se za koju godinu (1-2) ali ne ove. Malo nam je poskupo :(

U buduce ako imas nekih pitanja, slobodno salji PM. (nadam se da cu moci pomoci)
