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Church Logo


this is what i thought of


  • G4TV.jpg
    17.6 KB · Views: 122


New Member
That icon looks very familiar....

Who's influenced by who?


  • Graphic1.pdf
    157.1 KB · Views: 171

Dan Antonelli

New Member
That icon looks very familiar....

Who's influenced by who?

I don't know if the Group Inc's designer copied us or not. I do know mine's been published both nationally and internationally since 2002, appears in my books and a few SignCraft articles. I'm not saying it was intentional, just commenting that it looked familiar, although the execution in both instances you cite as examples are a little awkward.


New Member
Hey guys, been away for awhile but thanks for showing interest! Dan, I am always impressed by your work and the work that comes out of your firm. I am not a logo designer at all and I am kinda impressed with myself that my icon resembles that of your own. The idea that a sweeping arrow mimics a G is probably not a new concept but I had been trying to formulate one for a little under a year. I decided to try some of my fonts and came across one I liked( A&S Blaze) put it in a circle and BAM! The forum here then guided me to what was the pinnacle of my Logo design career. That is until my pastor very politely said there wasn't enough "Impact" there. I explained that a logo should be rather basic for the purpose of using it in various media types and sizes, but once the brand was decided upon we could add more details and effects. What can i do to make it more emphatic?


New Member
I’ve always found designing church logos to be a bit challenging, mainly because many of them tend to look very similar – same symbols, colors, and styles repeated.


I just learned how to change my title status
I’ve always found designing church logos to be a bit challenging, mainly because many of them tend to look very similar – same symbols, colors, and styles repeated.
I can't wait to see what other divinely inspired bot posts this new member with the brilliantly creative screen name posts...:popcorn: