Josh - Normally clipart does not and cannot be traded or "loaned", unless it was designed by the person that is giving it away. These things fall under copyright laws, and in some cases can get very serious. (Up to $250k fine per violation of the law)
I mention this because you are new and young, and now would be a good time to learn this stuff - before you get jammed up.
Now to the solutions to you quest.
1. Possibly someone has something they designed, which gives them free reign to do whatever.
2. Fred has a website (Express Clipart) where you can buy individual pieces without having to buy a complete collection.
3. The best solution, and even practice, is to take a picture of a cart - draw an outline - scan it in to your software - edit your nodes (clean-up) - and the end result is that you just made you very own piece of clipart.
Number three is not hard to learn but does require lotsa practice.
Lastly, a word to the wise....99% of all clipart/artwork on EBay IS illegal.