A friend of mine in the mid-west, that runs a large corporate shop, just had their entire company's IT system jacked by ransomware. They did not pay the requested 7 figure amount in bitcoin to regain access to their files. Instead they created a new system and migrated to cloud usage. Huge mess company wide. Fresh hard drives in every workstation.
The graphic shop has moved to back up storage on the cloud as well. They luckily only lost a few clients newer projects and a folder of old completed work photos due to a manual back up recently.
So I am very curious, anybody using cloud storage for your files? Who are you using? I have started looking at the main largest options of course like AWS and Google.
I am currently only storing around 7TB of files, but I could of course trim that down a bit.
The graphic shop has moved to back up storage on the cloud as well. They luckily only lost a few clients newer projects and a folder of old completed work photos due to a manual back up recently.
So I am very curious, anybody using cloud storage for your files? Who are you using? I have started looking at the main largest options of course like AWS and Google.
I am currently only storing around 7TB of files, but I could of course trim that down a bit.