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New Member
how 'bout timmy boy?

give it up to him guys, he played a good game. going to the land of brady next week we'll see how it redeems himself from the last time....


New Member
def best game so far this playoff! had me on the edge of my seat and i don't even like either team lol


New Member
First chance for the NFL NOT to have SUDDEN DEATH in the playoffs and BOOM! SUDDEN DEATH, quick! What a game! How about James Brown and the GANG and their "salute" to TEBOW! OH MY!

Circleville Signs

New Member
It was intense game. It was a fantastic game plan by John Fox and his coaching staff. They put together and FINALLY committed to a game plan that maximizes what Tebow is good at. They finally decided to run a hybrid of the read-spread option and the old school Air Coryel offense.

Listen - Tebow is what he is. He will NEVER be a super accurate passer in the short and intermediate game (see incompletion intended for a wide open Demarius Thomas on a deep in [15 yard route] on the drive before the Steelers tied it up).

HOWEVER, is a SUPERB thrower of the deep ball, and because of the nature of the offense, Tebow throwing the ball becomes the 3rd reaction for the defense. This is exactly what happened on the overtime play. The alignment SCREAMED read-option. Ryan Mundy FLEEEEEWWWWW to the LOS trying to time up a big hit on McGahee or Tebow -whoever kept the ball. On the snap, Mundy realized "Oh sh!t...D. Thomas didn't extend his arms" and tried to fly back to the middle of the field where he was supposed to be.

And for the record, Demaryius Thomas is a monster. He has every physical tool Calvin Johnson has. if he can stay healthy, look out.


New Member
Great game, defense came up big when it mattered and Thomas was a beast. Still not sold on Tebow the ball comes out of his hands like a wounded duck. Great game plan and executed well, very fun to watch. Love that Polamalu's overpursuit and aggression was so well exploited like it was in SB XLV.

Really happy the Steelers are eliminated, so tired of seeing them in nationally televised games.


New Member
I have to admit, tebow looked pretty good last night. His throws weren't 100% spirals.. but pretty damn close. Some looked near perfect..i went to that game.. it was one of the best experiences of my life to date... 76k jumping screaming mountain people... was intense.. there were a ton of steeler fans there as well.. they were not impressed 2 guys behind me were crying... so good!


New Member
Being a Pittsburgh fan i was a little upset at the outcome, but what a great game it was.
Teebow reminds me of the quarterbacks in the CFL who run the ball plenty which in my opinion makes for a much more exciting game as we could clearly see.

sar bossier

New Member
Being a Pittsburgh fan i was a little upset at the outcome, but what a great game it was.
Teebow reminds me of the quarterbacks in the CFL who run the ball plenty which in my opinion makes for a much more exciting game as we could clearly see.

ME TOO ... I really hate that guy! lol :wink: