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Colors And Profiling


New Member
A few days ago we changed the ink on our VS-640 and the first thing I wanted to get out of the way was making the profiles.

I have made profiles both for the 640 and other machines and I never had real problems with it...until now.

For the Roland I basically follow this tutorial - http://support.rolanddga.com/docs/D...s/Manuals and Guides/VersaWorks_Profiling.pdf

When you are profiling a media for VersaWorks you have to create 3 basic modes...well you don't have to but I do it that way - High Speed, Standard and High Quality.

Profiling High Speed was very easy and I did it half an hour, the color correction looked good and the print quality was good as well so I went on to create Standard and that's when all the trouble stared.

I did everything exactly as with High Speed but the color just wasn't right, I'm not sure but it seemed over saturated to me. I first tried lowering the individual ink limits as well as the total ink limit slightly. That didn't help.

One thing that bothers me is that you have to judge the ink limits by eye, is there any way to do this with a spectrometer ?

After I tried playing around with the ink limits on Standard I tried printing a sample with High Speed and Standard with Density Control Only, which should mean that VersaWorks has no say in the ink limits and that it's all done by the profile. Even with only Density Control Only on both it still didn't look the same. I tried creating the Standard Profile 3 times and I'm sure that I did the ICC generation properly, I have ProfileMaker by the way, so the only variable that I can think of is the ink limits which I've set manually. One thing that doesn't make sense to me with that however is that even with Density Control Only set it still doesn't produce the same color.

So my question is how do I get all of these to have the same color correction ?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


New Member

Actually I read that one several times both now and before making my first profile. Didn't help in this case.

One thing that I don't understand about lephot's suggestion is how does he convert those numbers he gets in the measuring tool to the percentages for VersaWorks, if you could explain that to me it would go a a long way as I tried to measure it but had no idea how to convert it to the percentages that VersaWorks "wants".


New Member
Has anyone else ever had problems getting 2 profiles to look the same or is this actually the norm ?

EDIT: Not sure if this is of any relevance but I used the IT8.7-3 CMYKi1(A4) chart during the profile creation.


New Member
On that thread, refer to post #25 and onwards. Note, you will need a measuring tool that can give you LCh values.


New Member
On that thread, refer to post #25 and onwards. Note, you will need a measuring tool that can give you LCh values.

Yea I figured that out since then but didn't have time to actually try to make a profile.

Just two questions though:

1) The value in the black rectangle (image attached), that's what I need, right ?

2) The instructions for measuring C and M were clear to me but Y and K I didn't get. Could you elaborate how I should measure black and yellow please ?

Thanks a bunch!


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