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Company Name / Re-Upstart Help



lol Klem I was playing around ............. a bit ...... having a store front and all the headaches with it, our monthly nut was around 5-10 thousand monthly at it's peak ... today? I would be happy with $500 profit a week ............. if it grows it grows ........


Old Member
Personally, I think Sign Tech is about a lame a name as 99% of all the other sign business names. I found that, when searching for a name for my own business, there is much competition for names amongst the sign businesses, graphic designers, web designers, art and sign supply businesses, etc. for naming conventions. Therefore, I think that the best names in the business utilize something other than the commonplace words like sign, signs, graphics, graphix, art, design, etc.

Honestly Mike, you seem to change your business, your name, your location, your life about as frequently as some people change their clothes. I would suggest to you that you establish some stability in your life, at least where your business is concerned, if you're going to be in business for yourself. Otherwise just go and try to work for others across the country as a nomadic soul.


New Member
Hi SignTech!

First off welcome back to the area! Secondly, if you are looking for install work- PLEASE send me your info!

We handle all the transit in WNY and are in great need of another Installer contact.

We have a few bus wraps coming up and our previous installer has been booked for a while (he travels the entire country).

Send me your info in a message.


Personally, I think Sign Tech is about a lame a name as 99% of all the other sign business names. I found that, when searching for a name for my own business, there is much competition for names amongst the sign businesses, graphic designers, web designers, art and sign supply businesses, etc. for naming conventions. Therefore, I think that the best names in the business utilize something other than the commonplace words like sign, signs, graphics, graphix, art, design, etc.

Honestly Mike, you seem to change your business, your name, your location, your life about as frequently as some people change their clothes. I would suggest to you that you establish some stability in your life, at least where your business is concerned, if you're going to be in business for yourself. Otherwise just go and try to work for others across the country as a nomadic soul.

Hey GB2 ........... when you don't crap about crap that's a good time for you to shut your mouth. You have no clue what I went through in the past 6 years and you have no clue of my 21 years of service that was stable to emergency services in my area, Rochester NY.

This sign business is F'd at best and extremely unstable. I had success for 4-5 years in PA, came back to Rochester and attempted to stay above water creating Route 23 Signs because I could no longer use Impact Signs and Graphix from the PA venture.

This was because of financial issues and partnership, a partner that walked away leaving me with thousands upon thousands to satisfy myself. Then back in Rochester I created SignTech so I could freelance some install jobs. SO yes it's a myriad of mess trying to get things back again on a small scale.

You don't know sh^&t about me or my situation .......... so back the F'k off ... got an issue with me? PM me.

My life is stable and has been for the last 1.5 years back home. I was just trying to dabble again in something I enjoy dearly, that was destroyed ........ in part ... NOT by my doing!

I do work for the man ... forced to sideline my love for the sign business.

Who the F'k are you to generalize and voice a deduction of who I am and where I am at? I have stability ... a great new partner and money coming in from sources you are not aware of.

Part of my demise in the sign business was listening to "professionals" that in fact where dead wrong in their advice. Yep even some right here in 101 land. Many great people here for sure ........ but many that are arrogant and clueless. Despite their narcissistic believes in thelmselves. Back off.


Art! Hot and fresh.
You could always do what I did back in the day and hyphenate your name, drop a co on it and then play with the name.

in your case Lipco Signs and Graphics might be quite interesting ... it diverts from your last name but still makes it yours and is a brandable and sellable name if you ever do sell the company.

also just checked, lipcosigns.com is available.


Thank you slapakiss you have always been a great person and contributor ......... I am gonna go with ..................... Idiot Signs and Graphics ........lmao


Active Member
maybe shorten it to ID Signs & Graphics and we'll be the only ones that know you're really an idiot ;)


nahh Bill ... maybe 'smack to my forehead graphics' ....................


Active Member
well here ya go


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maybe shorten it to ID Signs & Graphics and we'll be the only ones that know you're really an idiot ;)

.. and by the way Bill ............ I understand your moving 1500 miles position. But to give you a tiny background, WHEN I moved to PA to be with the (love of my life) and spent the last savings I had to start up ISAG ... we had ALWAYS from the onset discussed living in VA in future years. Stuff that gets discussed around the evening fireplace and not on s101 ............ between private people.

Matter of fact ........ after leaving Emergency Services and HATING Rochster winters, I always planned to live south one day. Moving to PA was a step in that direction and mainly because my partner pushed this issue all the time. It was a great goal.

So heading south around 50 years old and dragging a part-time sign business with me doesn't scare me, I been through way worse. But then again I am not as big as many companies on 101, and I can see where making a big move could be daunting and even a high risk. Point well taken.

But heading south to finish out my 'depends' years has always been on the radar. The only move I ever made in 46 years was to PA. Next one will be at least a lot warmer .......... I think decent, basic talent can be taken anywhere ......... and one can still thrive. It's a mind set.


Premium Subscriber
I good friend of mine and fellow sign maker... moved to Florida about two years ago.

He was 47 or 8 at the time. He said he was getting too old to be doing this chit up here in the cold and always on the go and he wanted to move down to Florida where most of his relation already scampered off to in the last ten years. He visited down there I think four times and found a house, a job and just needed to sell his house up here. Well, it finally sold and he moved south.

Now he's down there and the house was no longer available, although he had an agreement, somehow on a technicality, he lost out. He didn't lose his money, but that wasn't the point. Now he had to move in with his sister [who had no room] or his step-mom.... who didn't have any room either.

So, he got an apartment. Did I mention that the job he was counting on also wasn't there when he arrived. Seemed the position was eliminated. He was going to be a designer at a large electric shop. I think they found out he really couldn't use a computer all that well and eliminated him and re-assigned a new job description to someone else.

Well, he became a real estate agent.... or so he thought. He was no salesman, that's for sure. He dumped that job and started doing all kinds of things for money. Last I heard, he was back in a bucket truck working for some company doing odds 'n ends for this company from a bucket truck.

Make sure your ducks are all lined up and you stay in better contact with your contacts than my friend did.... or you might end up in a bucket like my friend.


hehe ........... great story ......... and a sad one for him for sure. But the fact he couldn't use a computer is telling ... at the very least.

As far as the sign biz ....... I will be definitely watching my ducks ... besides I am not ever looking for the sign biz to be my main or only source of income again. That's for sure, just a sideline.

Yes moving is cumbersome and needs great thought and planning. But even with great thought and planning comes failure that's unforeseen. Life can be a gamble ... no matter what decisions we make. If he got there and the house was no longer available, apparently he didn't have a sale or contract. Not a very intelligent move.

Look Gino I have resources, minor pension, many skill sets (outside signs) etc. I can't wait to live in VA or the Carolina's ... the sign biz will not be my worry, because it will never again be my main source for money. Just a part-time fun gig. But I agree, ducks must be lined up for any major decision ..........