New Member
NOOOOOOOOOO. I paid $7,000 for my plotter and $20,000 for my printer. I can make the same sign with either one and both signs are the same price. The price should reflect the product produced, not the machine used to produce it.
YESSSSSSSS, lol. Look, I didn't say it to justify the OP's price, just a guess for the price difference. And trust me the billable rate is the same for that type of machine no matter what you are cutting on it - just like a CNC router.
Look at it this way, you can certainly level out your own gravel driveway with a shovel and rake yourself for free in a day or two, or you can call the neighbor down the road who has small blade attachment on his john deer mower who can smooth it in a few hours for $100 and a 12 pack of beer, or you could call a professional excavator who brings a $100,000 bulldozer on a $100,000 semi truck and can do it in 15 minutes and will charge you $500 just to show up. The choice is ultimately yours, the job gets done the same any way you slice it, but the problem is not the fault of the person doing the job, its the person who chooses the way in which the job is done.