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Covid Sick Time?


Problem Solver
The ultimate goal of childhood immunization is to lower/prevent infant mortality. USA has the most comprehensive recommended vaccine schedule yet we barely make top 50 courtiers when it comes to infant mortality. Even Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate.

Interesting thing about those countries with lower infant mortality rates is they tend do recommend less vaccines

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Of course there are other factors involved but keeping in mind the primary goal of infant immunization is to prevent infant mortality, adding more and more vaccines is not the way to lower this
Yeah... very nice study and definitely not biased.

Neil Z Miller, Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute, USA Gary S Goldman, Computer scientist, Pearblossom, California, USA
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Neil Z Miller is associated with the ‘Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute’. Gary S Goldman has not been associated with the ‘World Association for Vaccine Education’ (WAVE) for more than four years but was, at the time of publication of the article, still listed as a Director for it on the WAVE website.

Look at that list of countries. Like for example, US spending a ton of money on healthcare but the availability of it being poor to everyone. Yep the people who have money have great access and the people with no money... not so great.
Most of those countries that rank on the top have universal healthcare. I looked quick but I think every country in top20 have universal healthcare.
I guess that could not possibly have anything to do with it?

Did you know overweight or obese mothers have increased risk of induced preterm birth. I'm quoting your study now, For example, premature births in the United States have increased by more than 20% between 1990 and 2006. Preterm babies have a higher risk of complications that could lead to death within the first year of life.
Now go look how the obesity graph in US matches that 20% increase between 90-06 :big laugh:

In the United States, 12% to 38% of pregnant women are overweight and 11% to 40% are obese.

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victor bogdanov

Active Member
Yeah... very nice study and definitely not biased.

Neil Z Miller, Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute, USA Gary S Goldman, Computer scientist, Pearblossom, California, USA
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Neil Z Miller is associated with the ‘Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute’. Gary S Goldman has not been associated with the ‘World Association for Vaccine Education’ (WAVE) for more than four years but was, at the time of publication of the article, still listed as a Director for it on the WAVE website.

Look at that list of countries. Like for example, US spending a ton of money on healthcare but the availability of it being poor to everyone. Yep the people who have money have great access and the people with no money... not so great.
Most of those countries that rank on the top have universal healthcare. I looked quick but I think every country in top20 have universal healthcare.
I guess that could not possibly have anything to do with it?

Did you know overweight or obese mothers have increased risk of induced preterm birth. I'm quoting your study now, For example, premature births in the United States have increased by more than 20% between 1990 and 2006. Preterm babies have a higher risk of complications that could lead to death within the first year of life.
Now go look how the obesity graph in US matches that 20% increase between 90-06 :big laugh:

In the United States, 12% to 38% of pregnant women are overweight and 11% to 40% are obese.

Lets make it as stigmatic to be overweight/obese as it is to be "antivax".

Reminds me of this



I'm here for Educational Purposes
If anyone cares what I have to say, I'll say this..
I felt like a responsible citizen and I wanted to get back to "normal". Got the vaccine shot, then secondary dose. It kicked my ass the second time. Was sick for a day. I vowed at the time, I wasn't taking any booster shots. Now that this vaccine is still an "emergency" thing, yet the other two thirds of my small, house hold has not been vaccinated... We haven't gotten sick. I really believe that covid has reached it's potential, and the latest varient is our sign that this is no longer a deadly pandemic... But More like influenza... Always mutating... But not deadly to a healthy population.


Very Active Signmaker
I got vaccinated and my wife did not. She got covid over Thanksgiving and was very sick for 3 weeks... couldn't get out of bed for most of it. She ended up in the hospital, got the infusion and at one point seriously thought Covid might kill her. She got better and is OK now. Over Christmas, we flew to Florida and back... everyone was masked in a very crowded airport and packed plane. A few days after the flight home I started feeling sick and tested positive for Covid. It only lasted 3 or so days and wasn't half as bad as some hangovers I've experienced.

My thoughts... I've taken many mystery pills in my younger days, didn't ask what was in them. Didn't ask the coke dealer what was in the cut. If my body survived those years, a little shot from the big bad pharmaceutical company wasn't going to be the end of me. I took it because I didn't want to shut my business for a month or put my wife though double duty while I was sick... or worse, she and I would get sick at the same time and be unable to care for our daughter. It's a gamble and I didn't like either of those options more than the unknown of a vaccine. In my experience, I think it paid off and was the right move.

If someone is so against the vaccine and 5G, I think we're ignoring the bigger elephants in the room. Pollution, climate change, obesity, minimum wage, micro plastics... heck, you can't even eat healthy... how about getting outraged over the chemicals our farmers cover fruits and veggies with and what THAT is potentially doing to us everyday? There are alot of industries out there breathing a sigh of relief that your attention has been distracted with vaccines and 5G. 5 card monte and you think you're winning.

victor bogdanov

Active Member
They think 5G signals mess with your brain and give you cancer... or somehow there are 5G nano bots in the vaccine. All of it is started by bored housewife's in Facebook groups.
I haven't been following the 5g information too closely, mostly because there is nothing I can do about it other than maybe moving in the middle of no where. This is where ignorance might be better than worrying. But I think we should all be able to agree all this stuff isn't making us any healthier.

Friday, January 14, 2022

During the two-week delay in deploying new 5G service, safety experts determined that 5G interference with the aircraft’s radio altimeter could prevent engine and braking systems from transitioning to landing mode, which could prevent an aircraft from stopping on the runway.
The Federal Aviation Administration will require operators of Boeing 787s to take additional precautions when landing on wet or snowy runways at airports where 5G C-band service is deployed.


Active Member
5g is different than 5gC. 5G is deployed everywhere already.. 5GC is a new band they want to deploy.

Unfortunately airplane altimeters use the same frequency as 5GC.... So it interfered with the altimeters signal, and that's what the concern is.

Unless your brains an altimeter or runs on the same frequency as one, I don't think you need to worry.

And that brings up a good point. If 5G is so worrisome and will kill you, you should avoid airplanes as well since it uses the same frequency as 5gc does.

Signals are everywhere. Go grab your wifi router, put it next to the microwave and turn the microwave on and watch your wifi die.

Every electronic emits a signal... So if you really are afraid of them, you.could turn Amish and go live off the land and be cancer free!
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Active Member
What is all this talk about 5G? I'm still wondering 12 pages later...
It's a group of people who are making all people against the vaccine look like nutcases!

There are legit reasons to not get the vaccine... and "Most" people get that. But as with everything, the news is bombarding us with all the conspiracy theories the whackos are coming up with.

The first rumor is that Covid is fake..and whats happening is because of the 5G Signal, and Covid is just a cover up as to why everyone is getting sick. Mostly these ones came from 3rd world countries (Albeit it, a bunch of higher ups / politicians started the rumor), I dont think America has adopted this theory... at least that I've seen!

Then the second rumor is Bill gates put 5G Chips in the virus to boost the 5G Signal for cheap. This is the most ridiculous one.. but it seems to have caught on with anti-vaccers in canada/usa.

It's a somewhat fun read, but most importantly it shows you how gullible some people are. Or in cases like this... I think there must be a mental issue going on. Not wanting to get the shot because you dont know what in it is one thing (And a legit thing to not want the shot), not wanting to get the shot because you believe bill gates is implanting you with a 5G chip is another
