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Crazy cursive font help (not an ID)


New Member
Hey Guys,

Does anyone know of any really really crazy cool cursive fonts that are really hard to read and really curvy with extra curves that aren't really part of the letter itself? Like an "O" would be more than a simple circle, it would have extra swerves and such towards the top or whatever.

Hope that makes sense.



New Member


New Member
freebies that I thought of:


More conservative:
Mostly the caps are swirly but the lower not so much.

Pretty much the same story. This does have a few alternate characters that are swirly tho. It's actually based on what is the ultimate script font, champion script:
Wallet paaaain. But so pretty.

You might try browsing the script/calligraphy section of dafont.com for other freebies.


New Member
freebies that I thought of:


More conservative:
Mostly the caps are swirly but the lower not so much.

Pretty much the same story. This does have a few alternate characters that are swirly tho. It's actually based on what is the ultimate script font, champion script:
Wallet paaaain. But so pretty.

You might try browsing the script/calligraphy section of dafont.com for other freebies.

Awesome Man!!! Thanks so much. I really like that first one, especially since its free:notworthy:


New Member
My first thought was Affair.
Check out the sample at the bottom of this page:

It's a beautiful font but get out your wallet.

The same guy also did Burgues Script:

Extra super swirly.

I can keep going, but stop me if we're not on the right track.

Hey, do you have the burgues script font? Cause when you click the link that you provided, the font looks really cool with all those extra swirls, but when you go to test it with a word none of the extra swirls come up. Like the one in the picture is "ginger" for example, but when you test the same word it just looks normal without any extra swirls.



New Member
I have burgues and some of the others...

Those special swirly letters are alternates of the regular letters. Opentype fonts have alternates for lots of characters, and you can access these characters by going to the glyphs pallette in your design program. Check out this page for some interesting info on how much work goes into making all those alternates: http://blog.parachutefonts.com/?p=16

Some design programs handle this well and other ones don't handle it at all. The later adobe ones tend to substitute the prettier letters automatically, and to connect ligatures (two letters that can be drawn as one special character, like "tt") automatically. Like try typing it in photoshop, and I bet at least some of the letters change. If you do it in illustrator, you can get to any special letter by going to the type menu and finding "glyphs". I think the process is similar in indesign. But other programs like flexi don't bother with it at all. Kind of lame.

Some of the cheaper fonts that don't use the opentype (.otf) file format will fake it by making the special ligatures and alternates accessible by typing alt codes. If you're in windows you can figure these codes out by doing start --> run --> charmap, click ok, find the font you want, go to "Group by" at the bottom and do "unicode subrange". Then from the popup window scroll the bottom for "private use area" and they'll usually be there. Click on one to highlight it and see the alt code for it.

Other fonts like championscript will include a 2nd font that just has alternate letters.

Pat Whatley

New Member
We've been cutting the mess out of a font called "monogram"

There's this window monogram trend around here right now. A lady had to talk me into doing the first one we did because she couldn't find them anywhere. Since then we're doing 3-4 a day at $20 a pop. Not bad for five minutes and .25c worth of material.


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