Update... deleted black line tracings around words so disregard that. Thanks.
Make 3 or 4. Then leave them alone for a day. When you come back to them you'll be able to eliminate 2. Then take what's left and post them for review. Try and do them in black and white if you can. Add color on the second revision. The blue red and black gave me a headache.
Alright, to be honest, it's pretty bad. Your name is "Jazzy", and it's a very boring and hard to read logo. If you want to continue in the sign biz I'd highly suggest getting some design books and just practice, practice and practice. Dan Antonelli has some great books to get you started. With the right inspiration and many hours of practice, I think most anyone can become a competent designer (otherwise I'd be screwed lol).
So, to just lay into this real quick. Here's what you have going wrong.
#1 nothing unique or interesting to make this logo. It's just logo on a boring circle.
#2 The text and outline weight combo is just not put together very asthetically pleasing.
#3 NEVER put red on blue unless it's a weird oddball freak design that requires it. It causes strain on the eye, makes text illegible and looks 100% amateurish.
Even a good layout can look horrible with the colors set wrong. Check out my attached doodling. Totally just quick layout, but notice how the first too are easy on the eyes (even though I shoulda fixed the green on blue part), and then the third using the EXACT same layout in a different color combo, doesn't look near as attractive? Color combos are your friend. No layout skills can ever save a horrible clash of colors.
So, hope that's somewhat helpful. Good luck man!
Thank you! I also need to learn how to lay out a decent design. So help me out here... I'm looking at your design and analyzing how it's done. Flexi 7. three rectangles, equally distributed. Slant rectangles. Create an Oval then copy, make it smaller, and rotated/expanded. Jazzy Signs typed in font of your choice and then outlined about .100. Am I about right? I am assuming the drop shadows in the font came with the font.
Took me an hour to do the other damn logo. I need some serious practice if you can knock those out in 2-3 minutes. I do have several graphic design books.. time for me to start STUDYING them!
Thanks for your help it's appreciated.
I wonder with a name like JKADesigns, what is it you design. Don't mean to be harsh, just genuinely curious.
If I were you, I would look a for a book, or something online, that goes over logo basics. It will be invaluable!!!!!!!! It will show you why some logos work and others don't. It will go over line thickness, empty space, typography, symbols, colors etc. The basics is what you need.
Also, apparently overlooked more often then not, is a sketch book. Even if you can't draw a square, doesn't matter, just sketch your ideas, your business name, your first two letter JS, play with it, then go to the computer.
I think going straight to the computer, you become overwhelmed with all the buttons and whistles.
I think JazzySign.com is a good name.
Good luck!