We print aqueous (Canon 8400) and mount onto DiBond. Mostly, work flow is cut DiBond 2-3mm smaller than the print, then mount on laminator and trim down. Many of the (art) papers are very fragile, and it is the sharp scalpel cut from the back, on a cutting mat. On occasions, we've had to trim down the mounted work on our SteelTrak. Cutting with the print face out is not a pretty result, but cutting with the print facing away works very cleanly. Slow cuts, not a freezing cold shop also help.
Assuming the FSC is also a pair of pizza wheels, might be worth a shot. Some of the Baryta papers we use will shatter as soon as you look at them, or cut too quickly, blade is a touch dull, type of monsters. On the SteelTrak, we have production stops, and the ruler properly dialed in, so setting a 3mm bleed is doable, but not fun.