connection to cutting master 2 timeout
try this fix at your own risk... create a restore point FIRST, and a registry backup.
after searching other posts etc for a day i found reference to iobit Advenced system care messing some things up, as well as firewalls.
finally fixed error by merging a backup of registry with existing regisrty file.
look for iobit as the likely cause of your errors IF you have already checked your firewalls and corel or illustrator and cutting master etc are listed in your firewall as accepable exceptions to firewall. If they are not listed as exceptions select them and then see if error disappears. if not try below...again at own risk, once you create a restore point, etc.
this was on an xp 64bit.
depending on what version of iobit you installed and killed the right registry values with, you may find the backup it creates in a diff place, but it seems like v3 and v4 of iobit total system care or advanced system care make a backup in the default install drive - c:\Documents and Settings\"username"\Application Data
"username" will be whatever your user login is, so if it is BOB that is user then look under c:\Documents and Settings\bob\Application Data
Navigate there and you will hopefully find an old .reg file. In my case, when i right clicked and selected "merge" - it merged the backed up reg file with existing file, AND PRESTO, it fixed the cutting master 2 error! YEEfrickinHA! I was happy so hopefully that works for you.