Hello Quark,
I have a document that I can email you which I think will be useful as you try and flex cut(die cut) more complex shapes than just squares and rectangles. There are two variables to consider when setting up a flex cut on your Summa; the tab width(flex pressure length/pressure) and the gap distance between tabs(full pressure length/pressure). As a general rule the full pressure force and length will always exceed those for the flex pressure and length.
The default setting for your cutter should be a 7.5mm full pressure length and a flex pressure length of 1mm, meaning your gaps between tabs will be 7.5mm and your tabs will be 1mm wide. The default setting is really only good for cutting basic shapes like squares and rectangles and would explain why you are having difficulty flex cutting more complex shapes. If you need to flex cut a more complex shape, like a curve for example, you will want to shorten the gap distances between the tabs(full pressure length) and also reduce the tab width(flex pressure length) to avoid the "connect the dots" effect. By reducing the gap distances and tab widths you can smooth out your curves and get a much cleaner cut. I usually shorten my full pressure length to 1mm(which should be the minimum) and my flex pressure length to 0.25mm when cutting curves and usually get good results(assuming my cut pressure settings are setup correctly).
Also, another option for die-cutting stickers would be to avoid doing a perforation at all. Essentially what you would be doing is a deep scoring where you cut nearly all the way through the vinyl and the liner without actually completing the cut. If you get the depth just right you can get a nice clean edge even if the shape is fairly complex. This is also sometimes preferred over a perforation when your materials have a craft(paper) liner because you won't get the tearing at the tabbed portions like you can sometimes when doing a perforation cut without the proper settings.
If you PM me your email, or send me an email to
philj@summa.us I can email you the flex cut setup document I mentioned.
I hope this information is helpful for you and other Summa users!
Best regards,
Phil Johnson
Summa Inc.