So, why not just go inside, flip the breaker, and proceed with the removal. It should take less than 5 minutes, and will prevent someone from getting a nasty shock....Remember, Safety First. When ever I work on anything electrical, I always double check the breaker, and also lock it out, because you never know when someone will go in for some reason, and "oh, look, that breaker is off, here, let me just flip this real quick"...
Years ago, I was wiring up a set of channel letters for a new store, and there wasn't even electrical ran. So we threw the transformer (a 12,000v) in the box, ran the homeruns to the letters, and proceeded to wire up the rest of the letters. Unknown to us, the electricians were in the back of the store, and started working around... They didn't think to check, but they wired up our transformer, and flipped the breaker... I was the one in the bucket, and just then reaching in to connect a lead, and it threw me back, knocked me out for something like 30 seconds....all I knew is I came to, laying in the bottom of the bucket, leg hanging out, and my helper on the ground freaking out, screaming my name, and yelling "Call 911"... When my senses came to, I noticed this glow out of the letters....and I knew immediately, what happened... I was pissed. when I got on the ground, got my s#*) together, I went in the store, ready to whip that guys a$$, and there were 8 of them standing around...needless to say, I cussed him out, and then went out, finished the job, and then took the next day off...