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Need Help Did you see this test problem before? help please


New Member
any one can help or explain please
yesterday everything was fine the test was perfect.
ee have roland re640 with dx7 head
today suddenly at morning the test was strange and each time we do another test it goes worse and worse
does any one seen this before or expect what could this be?
head is 4 months old only
its all happened in 1 hour
please see the attached photos in order

DL Signs

Never go against the family
Several things can cause that, but it looks like the head is drying out (air getting at it).
If it improves after a couple heavy cleaning cycles or use it's most likely cap top not sealing properly allowing air to get at the heads. Either bad, or not adjusted to seal the head when it's parked.
I'd start by soaking the heads before they get too dried out, and replace the cap top.

Other things that can cause that are plugged/ kinked/ damaged line between cap top and pump, or pump is going out. None are really major high dollar repairs.


Active Member
captop not seating against the head?
FIRST take a syringe and saturate the felt with cleaning fluid (ink with no pigment)
run a cleaning cycle, REPEAT a time or two

wouldn't hurt to pull ink through the line from captop to pump for waste tank