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Displaying the dimension On Omega 5

Titch Sanders

New Member
Hi again folks,
you're ever grateful Titch is stuck again.
How on earth can I get the dimensions to show at the bottom centre of the screen whenever I select any/all objects please?
I had it on once, can't seem to get any joy when ticking 'dimensions' via view-tools etc.. is it me again?
Quote(?) Tell Me People Am I Going Insane......

Hope someone can kick my butt correctly here again.


New Member
hmmm - you mean this right?

I unclicked the Dimensions too bar, and I still see dimensions when I click an object


  • Omega Dimensions info.PNG
    Omega Dimensions info.PNG
    40.1 KB · Views: 209

Titch Sanders

New Member
Hi again folks..
It's simply not happening for me I'm afraid...
There is (was) the Process foils toolbar along the bottom edge of the screen, but I honestly rarely use process as tend to be more working with Spot Colours..
I thought, if I delete that tool bar, my dimensions, (set at mm's) would be underneath it... but no such luck..
When I do as above and click on dimensions, it just brings up the Dimensions toolbox, with ruler/angles etc..which I already have on the drop down menu's etc..
Whilst I do appreciate everyone's help here.. what am i doing wrong I wonder??


New Member
I agree with Attila. I tested the above and it worked. Titch - perhaps your software window is sitting too low? try clicking you window button.,

Titch Sanders

New Member
Now, Do you know how it feels to , feel silly.......
You have hit the nail, 100% bang square on on the head!!
Thank you so much for putting it in the only plain English that I understand....clicked and held and moved the Blue bar above File/Edit/View/Text/Select/Layout etc etc...and there are my dimensions at the bottom.
Thank You Jburns (if I can name you as so), I guess some of the screens settings need altering..I am indeed considering another monitor imminently, so that will bring me to looking carefully at this.
Again, Thanks to everyone's input here, it really is appreciated.
Hopefully I can help someone myself one day..if I can, I certainly shall.

Keep Safer in current times everyone, and hope 2021 is OK for you all,
Titch Sanders (UK member)

p.s. What a fantastic bunch on here!!